Fifth International Seminar of the Center for Afro-Hispanic Studies (CEAH): Revisiting African Decolonizations

Fifth International Seminar of the Center for Afro-Hispanic Studies (CEAH): Revisiting African Decolonizations

Center for Afro-Hispanic Studies, Madrid
UNED campus in Lavapiés
From - Until
02.07.2018 - 13.07.2018
Alba Valenciano Mañé

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea from Spain, the Center for Afro-Hispanic Studies (CEAH) in Madrid will dedicate its annual July seminar in 2018 to reflect on the past, present, and future of this event, and its emergence from Spanish colonization. Far from wishing—as the governments of Equatorial Guinea and Spain will undoubtedly do—to turn this into a celebratory event, we wish to study and analyze the term “independence” in its many dimensions (economic, political, educational, religious, cultural, artistic, and public-health related, among others), and from different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives. We also wish to problematize the value of the term “independence” to designate what has occurred in the country since 1968, and to interrogate the significance, relevance, validity, or failings of the concepts that have conventionally been used to describe and analyze this historical process, and the social and cultural reality of Equatorial Guinea (“anti-colonialism,” “nationalism,” “liberation,” “decolonization,” “Africanism,” “pan-Africanism,” etc.), as well as engaging with the historical memory and debates on colonial pasts taking place in Spain and amongst the Afro-diasporic communities.

The Fifth International Seminar of the CEAH will take place in Madrid from July 2nd to July 13th, 2018, at the UNED campus in Lavapiés (Tribulete Street 14, Madrid 28012), in the city center. The Seminar format will include:
- Plenary lectures, by international experts from the CEAH and invited speakers, to be followed by Q&A.
- Panels and roundtables, with papers and presentations followed by discussion, on topics proposed by scholars, researchers, activists, and artists from any country; membership of CEAH not required.

Those who wish to participate as speakers can submit their proposals (presentations, panels or round tables) to the Organizing Committee ( before 31st December 2017. The proposals should include: name, title of the presentation, affiliation, and a short abstract (maximum 300 words). Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email on 31st January 2018.

The provisional program of the Fifth International Seminar of the Center for Afro-Hispanic Studies will be made available through our website ( in February 2018. Registration, both for speakers and for those attending the Seminar and all related activities, will be free of charge. All events will be open to the public and to the press. The UNED will issue Certificates of attendance to registered participants who attend all of the Seminar’s sessions.

Any questions or queries should be directed via email to the organizing committee at: The members of the organizing committee are the following:

- Juan Aranzadi Martínez (UNED-Madrid)
- Susana Castillo Rodríguez (SUNY-Geneseo, New York)
- Enrique Martino (University of Göttingen)
- Abuy Nfubea (President of the Pan-African Federation of Black Communities of Spain)
- Amancio Nsé (CEAH-Equatorial Guinea)
- Pilar Nsé (CEAH-Madrid)
- Inés Plasencia Camps (Autonomous University of Madrid)
- Benita Sampedro Vizcaya (Hofstra University, New York)
- Remei Sipi Mayo (Writer and editor, Equatorial Guinea)
- Concha de la Sota (UNED-Madrid)
- Alba Valenciano Mañé (University of Barcelona)
- Armando Zamora (UNGE-Equatorial Guinea, Member of the RAE, Secretary of the Equatoguinean Academy of the Spanish Language)


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