Gender transformations in prehistoric and archaic societies

Gender transformations in prehistoric and archaic societies

SFB 1266 - TransformationsDimensionen
Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Olshausenstraße 75, Hans-Heinrich-Driftmann-Hörsaal
From - Until
08.03.2018 - 10.03.2018
Dr. Julia Katharina Koch

Frauen im Haus und Männer auf dem Feld – wieso sollte eine solche Aufteilung der Geschlechterrollen über Jahrtausende gleichbleiben, während sich sozialer Kontext und Umwelt beständig wandelt?
Innerhalb des Geflechts der unterschiedlichen Komponenten sozialen Verhaltens nimmt die Kategorie des sozialen Geschlechts in den Gesellschaften von den spätpleistozänen sammelnden und jagenden Gruppen bis zu den frühstädtischen Gemeinschaften eine dominante Rolle ein. So kann eine deutliche Interaktion zwischen Geschlechteridentitäten, sozialer Vielfalt und den im SFB 1266 untersuchten Transformationsprozessen in prähistorischen und archaischen Perioden erwartet werden. Mit dem Workshop bieten wir eine Plattform an für Diskussionen über a) Geschlechtertransformationen in der Vergangenheit und b) die Auswirkungen von Geschlechterungleichheiten auf den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs in unserer Forschungsgemeinschaft.


Thursday, 8 March 2018

Session: Gendering Fieldwork
Keynote: Jutta Stroszeck (Athens), Matters of Gender in a prominent DAI Excavation: The Athenian Kerameikos
Jana Esther Fries (Oldenburg), Fieldwork is not the proper preserve of a Lady. Images of excavating Women from the 19th century to Instagram
Ana Cristina Martins (Lisboa), Women in the field: to be or not to be? Archaeology in Portugal between the 60s and the 70s
Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (Berlin), Gendered and diversified fieldwork classes in Bachelor and Master study programs? An examination of and a perspective on study programs of German Universities
Birte Ahrens (Kiel) and Christiane Franken (Bonn), Personal report on archaeological fieldwork in Mongolia

Session: Tracing gender transformations
Keynote: Marie Louise Stig Sørensen (Cambridge), Gender transformation – Where (do we observe it), What (is transformed), Why (does it take place)
Johanna Kranzbühler (Lich), Anthropology tells sex and archaeology tells gender? Insights from physical anthropology
Daniela Nordholz (Bremen), Changing gender perception from Mesolithic to Middle Neolithic period
John Robb (Cambridge) and Oliver Harris (Leicester), What would Neolithic gender actually look like, and how would we know it when we see it?
Nils Müller-Scheeßel, Martin Furholt (both Kiel), Ivan Cheben (Nitra) and N. N., Construction and transformation of gender representations in the Early Neolithic of Central Europe: Insights from new excavations in Vráble, Southwest Slovakia
Alexandra Anders (Budapest), Turning the invisible into the visible. Expressing gender in mortuary practices in north-east Hungary in the fifth millennium BC
Jan Turek (Prague), Transformation of Copper Age Gender Categories
Emma Usmanova (Kraganda), Women and children in Andronovo Society: Marker and status based on archaeological evidence from Lisakovsk burial site
Natalie Berseneva (Chelyabinsk), Male gender identity throughout the Ural Bronze Age: on the way down?
Evening: Workshop Dinner at the restaurant “Schöne Aussichten”

Friday, 9 March 2018
Brina Škvor Jernejčič (Ljubljana), Tracing social categories in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age societies through funerary practices
Caroline Tremeaud (Lyon), Tracing gender in funerary data: case study of elite's graves in north alpine complex (Late Bronze Age-La Tène)
Ilona Venderbos (Amsterdam), From domestic to social standings? Transformations in gender identities in Early Iron Age Latium Vetus (Italy)
Christian Heitz (Innsbruck), Time-related genders and chancing social roles. A case study from archaic southern Italy
Maria Ochir-Goryaeva (Kazan), Gender in family, tribal and social hierarchy of Scythians
Katharina Rebay-Salisbury (Vienna), Tracing transformations of mother-child relations
Nataliia Mykhailova (Kiev), “Shaman” burials in Prehistoric Europe: gendered images?
Andy Reymann (Frankfurt a. M.), Part time females and full time specialists? Identifying gender roles in ritual behaviour and archaeological remains
Reena Perschke (Berlin), Anthropomorphic motifs on statue-menhirs, menhir-stelae and orthostats: male, female or beyond gender?
Virginie Defente (Rennes), Art and Gender. The case study of enamelling in continental Europe (IVth-IInd cent. BC)

Session: Gendering and shaping environment
Kick-off discussion: Gender and Environment (Chairs: Oliver Nakoinz and Julia K. Koch [both Kiel])
Ana M. Vale (Porto), The construction of space and gender in archaeology
Evening: come together at a restaurant (t.b.a.).

Saturday, 10 March 2018
Aysel Arslan (Istanbul), Shaping Clay, Transmission of Knowledge: Division of Labour in the 7th and 6th Millennia in Western Anatolia
Rouhollah Yousefi Zoshk/Saeed Baghizadeh/Sanaz Zarghami (Pishva), The Gender Division of Labour during the Proto Elamite Period in late 4th millennium Iran
Anne Augereau (Pantin), Change and continuity: gender and flint knapping activities during the Neolithic of the Paris basin
Wiebke Kirleis (Kiel), Labour organisation between foraging and farming
Beata Kaczmarek (Poznan), Children in the Mycenaean workshop. Linear B writing versus grave goods
Final Discussion

Afternoon: Excursion to Stone Age Park Albersdorf

Contact (announcement)

Julia Katharina Koch
SFB 1266 - TransformationsDimensionen
CAU, 2098 Kiel
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