The First World War at Sea: Conflict, culture and commemoration

The First World War at Sea: Conflict, culture and commemoration

National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, UK
United Kingdom
From - Until
08.11.2018 - 10.11.2018
Ulrike Zimmermann, SFB 948, Universität Freiburg

This conference will explore the First World War at sea through wide-ranging themes designed to provide a forum for interdisciplinary research and new perspectives on the subject. Focused on both naval and mercantile contexts, the conference will also place the experience of the maritime war within the historical setting of the years preceding and following the conflict.

Social history:
The human experience of maritime conflict
Explorations of the war at sea from perspectives of class, rank, race, age, gender or sexuality
Explorations of the war at sea from imperial and global perspectives

Operational history:
The "undramatic" duties of naval warfare: blockade, minelaying, reconnaissance, trade protection, power projection
Naval wartime roles around the globe
The wartime duties of the merchant marine
Technology and the war at sea

Institutional history:
The wartime training of naval officers and ratings
The impact of war on naval hierarchies and ideas of leadership
Institutional lessons learned, navies and the Second World War
The impact of the war on the merchant marine

Cultural history:
Public opinion and media coverage relating to the navies/merchant marine before, during and after the conflict
Cultural constructions of maritime heroism, and their relationship to pre-war touchstones, from Nelson to Scott

Memory and commemoration:
Remembering the war at sea: memorials, memoirs and material culture
Family history and the legacy of maritime war
Restoring the naval heroic: cinema, novels, pageants and museums
Themes, events and people that commemoration left unremembered

Please submit proposals of 300 words for individual papers, along with a short CV to
We welcome submissions from academics, local historians and community group projects.


Contact (announcement)

Quintin Colville

National Maritime Museum, London

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