Tomorrow’s Holocaust Memory: An International Conference

Tomorrow’s Holocaust Memory: An International Conference

Goethe-Institute Israel, Eva and Marc Besen Institute for the Study of Historical Consciousness, Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv University, Gilman Building, Room 496
Tel Aviv
From - Until
29.04.2018 - 30.04.2018
Kobi Kabalek

The Goethe-Institute Israel, the Eva and Marc Besen Institute for the Study of Historical Consciousness and the Minerva Center for Human Rights at Tel Aviv University are organizing an international conference under the title “Tomorrow’s Holocaust Memory”. The conference aims to explore a wide range of factors that may affect future developments in the memory of the Holocaust. It will take place at Tel Aviv University on 29-30 April 2018 and will be composed of four panels and two roundtables.

Among other themes, speakers will discuss
- the increasing fragmentation and pluralization of Holocaust Memories.
- the role of archeology and forensic excavations in the preservation of Holocaust memory, and the material turn in Holocaust memory in general.
- the challenges posed by the multilingual character of Holocaust testimony.
- the impact of new media and advanced technology.
- the preservation, storage and transmission of digitally produced Holocaust-related material.
- the diffusion of Holocaust motifs in popular global culture.
- the role of references to the Holocaust in relation to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
- the role archives and museums will play for the future of Holocaust memory.

Participants include: Rachel N. Baum, Stephanie Benzaquen-Gautier, Leora Bilsky, Odeh Bisharat, Henning Borggräfe, José Brunner, Dan Diner, Zuzanna Dziuban, Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann, Jackie Feldman, Amos Goldberg, Yoram Haimi, Wolf Iro, Amal Jamal, Kobi Kabalek, Volkhard Knigge, Daniel Levy, Dan Michman, Dalia Ofer, Amit Pinchevski, Hannah Pollin-Galay, Zsuzsanna Toronyi, and Yechiel Weizmann.

A detailed program will follow.


Contact (announcement)

Kobi Kabalek

The Zvi Yavetz School of Historical Studies Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 6997801 Israel

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