Sport Heritage and Patrimonial Dynamics

Sport Heritage and Patrimonial Dynamics

Jean-François Loudcher, Professor for Historical and Social Sciences of Sport, University of Bordeaux
Université de Bordeaux
From - Until
29.10.2018 - 31.10.2018
Joris Lehnert

14th Carrefour d’histoire du Sport (SFHS), 22th Conference of the European Committee for the History of Sports (CESH)

In 2024, Paris will again host the summer Olympic Games and, for the first time, the Paralympic Games. This conference on the theme of Sport Heritage and Patrimonial Dynamics, organized under the auspices of the French Society for Sports History and the European Committee for Sports History at the University of Bordeaux 29-31 October 2018, is ideally situated in this perspective. The conference represents a great opportunity for all who see sport as a cultural and political manifestation in which sport heritage represents a vital link between the past and the future.

The Scientific Committee invites academics and non-academics, individuals and organizations to submit proposals related to the theme of Sport Heritage and Patrimonial Dynamics. Abstracts are welcome that link historical reflections and fields of education, philosophy, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, geography, cultural studies, colonial and post-colonial studies, economics, marketing, legal studies, etc. It is also possible to propose less “academic” events, be they in the realm of performance or exhibitions. If you want to organize such events at this conference, please send your proposal to:

Round-tables will be organized to give the opportunity to exchange information and different points of view between people from various fields of studies dealing with Sport Heritage of past or future events such as the 2024 Paris Olympic Games. They will also give the opportunity to debate on specific initiatives such as launching a European virtual museum of sport and an international master training program.

Exhibitions, demonstrations, and performances are already planned at the University (Place Victoire), at the Faculty of Sports Sciences (UF-STAPS, Pessac), as well as at the Museum of Aquitaine. These events are not only intended to preserve and make known to a wider audience the sporting heritage, but also to register it as a real scientific, cultural, and societal project.

Please note the suggested topics:

Body practices and techniques: revivalism
Games, transition from games to sports, sports
Events, revivalism

Grounds and equipment
The growing place of equipment and sport public grounds; the spatial panning policies of towns
Open field as heritage (horse riding, rafting, surf sports)
Living territories (football, rugby, basketball) which put heritage at the center of local identities.

Public policies, inventories and heritage safeguard
Relations to museum/institutions (putting into practice, local and national studies)
National, local and international development policies (comparisons)

Heritage process (the forming and evolution of heritage)
Reflection on the theorization of processes. Debates. Local examples. The issues of heritage formation and evolution (historical, cultural, political, social, territorial or thematic issues)

Passing down heritage
Heritage experiences.
To educate through heritage (at school, by associations, by National days)
To theorize the formation and evolution of heritage? (a new strategical issue for museums)

Heritage, colonial and post–colonial cultures
Heritage, and sport and physical activities in colonial and post-colonial context. The point will be to introduce historical, socio-cultural and museum researches dealing with modern identity issues coming from slavery, colonization and migrations for which sports engineering heritages and more globally body techniques are major elements.

Value of sport heritage
Virtual museums
Heritage and new technologies
Actions of development of heritage bonds?
Setting up of a heritage event (sport museum, National Museum of football of Manchester, Madrid)

Heritage and PE
Biographical and prosopographical studies
Places of memory (IREP, CREPS, DDJCS, classes, institutes)
Sport art and heritage
Genres of Music, hymns
Visual arts, facilities, theaters

For further information, visit the official 2018 conference web page.

The deadline for submission is Friday, 4 May 2018. Please submit all proposals to the online abstract submission page:, indicating the topic of your presentation. The Scientific Committee invites CESH and SFHS members and others to submit proposals according the following format: 20-minute presentation + 10-minute Q&A.

Email of acceptance or rejection will be sent in early-June.
Implicit Agreement to Attend Conference. Submission of an abstract indicates the author’s and co-authors’ intent to register for the conference at the appropriate conference fee and to be available to present on any of the three days of the conference.
Scientific Committee (see the official 2018 conference web page)

Chair: Jean-François Loudcher, Professor, University of Bordeaux
Co-Chair: Ying WuShanley, Professor, Millersville University of Pennsylvania

Guidelines fo Submitting Abstracts (Deadline: Friday, 4 May 2018)
Please submit the abstracts ONLY via the website

It is the policies of CESH and SFHS that in order for an author’s name to appear in the Program and the Conference Proceedings, the author must be present at the conference. If you are submitting a paper with more than one author, all authors are expected to attend the conference.

The abstract should include the question(s) addressed in the paper, the evidence to be used, a precise statement of the argument, and what significance the paper has to our understanding of sport history. In order to do that, notions of Sport Heritage and Patrimonial Dynamics should be considered in various ways (cf. site).

Awards: Pierre Arnaud (SFHS) and price of CESH
Both CESH and SFHS give a young researcher award. Detailed information concerning the awards is available on the official websites of CESH ( and SFHS (, respectively.

International Student Seminar
An international student seminar, organized to learn more about the world of research in the social sciences of sport, will take place in parallel applying a mode of mixing games and sciences. In addition to specific presentations allowing the exchange between seniors and young researchers, it is also intended for the participants to learn about the reality of university life in various countries (see program on the site).

Registration for the 2018 CESH-SFHS Conference is being handled through a system operated by the organizers.
Registration for Conference participant includes access to all 2018 CESH-SFHS conference sessions, scientific program, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, gala dinner, social program, conference delegate kit, and membership to the society. For conference participant, you must register at least as a member of CESH or SFHS or both.
Registration for accompanying person includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, and gala dinner.

Please contact with any questions


Contact (announcement)

Jean-Francois Loudcher

Université de Bordeaux
Laboratoire Cultures – Éducation – Sociétés (LACES EA 7437)
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