International Summer School "The Topography of Imperial Power: The Political Space of Saint-Petersburg"

International Summer School "The Topography of Imperial Power: The Political Space of Saint-Petersburg"

Higher School of Economics, National Research University Saint Petersburg
Russian Federation
From - Until
11.09.2018 - 02.10.2018
Dietmar Wulff

HSE-Saint-Petersburg and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) welcomes students of social sciences and humanities from all
German and other universities to participate in the International Summer School 'The Topography of Imperial Power: The Political
Space of Saint-Petersburg' (September 11 – October 2, 2018).
The curriculum of the Summer school will include Russian language courses for foreign students, presentations, workshops, partially held
in Saint-Petersburg’s public space, and master classes, as well as a special cultural program in the city.

Students who wish to attend the Summer school should send a motivation letter and a completed Application Form
( to Dr Dietmar Wulff (
Knowledge of Russian is not essential as all the lectures, seminars and excursions will be conducted in German or English. A
basic knowledge of the history of the country and of contemporary Russia is desirable.

Application & Program Fee
Program Fee
Program Fee is EUR 1100, which includes:
- study program and materials (study program comprises seminars, lectures, Russian language classes)
- accommodation (double room with shared bathrooms) and breakfast
- cultural program (city tour, boat trip)
- official invitation for a Russian visa
This amount does not include travel expenses, medical insurance or possible visa fees.

Important Dates
Closing date for applications: May 25, 2018
Participants arrive: September 10, 2018
Course begins: September 11, 2018
Course ends: October 2, 2018
Participants depart: October 3, 2018


Contact (announcement)

Dietmar Wulff

Editors Information
Published on
Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Additional Informations
Country Event
Language(s) of event
English, German
Language of announcement