Social time in the ancient world: Rhythms and rituals. Second public conference of the DFG-network “CHRONOS. Soziale Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums”

Social time in the ancient world: Rhythms and rituals. Second public conference of the DFG-network “CHRONOS. Soziale Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums”

Sofie Remijsen (Universität von Amsterdam), Roland Färber (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
University Library: Doelenzaal, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam
Vom - Bis
24.05.2018 - 26.05.2018
Roland Färber

The DFG-network “CHRONOS. Soziale Zeit in den Kulturen des Altertums” applies the sociological concept of ‘social time’ to the cultures of the ancient world (3000 BC – AD 600). Chronological systems such as eras or calendars not only reflect but also shape the cycles and rhythms of political, economic and cultural life, and in this way offer insights into how societies worked and social groups understood themselves.

The conference “Social time in the ancient world: Rhythms and rituals” aims to investigate how people in the ancient world structured and perceived time through the regular repetition of certain acts, such as religious ceremonies, economic activities, political acts and mundane practices.

This conference is open to the public. We kindly request to register before 21 May 2018.


Thursday 24 May 2018 (UB Doelenzaal)

15.00-15.45 Registration and welcome

I. Rhythms and rituals in Mesopotamia

15.45-16.20 Daliah Bawanypeck (Frankfurt/Main): Dealing with diseases: Time in healing rituals and other medical texts
16.20-16.55 Tim Brandes (Mainz): Rhythms of kingship - Social time and Mesopotamian kingship in the 1st millennium BC
Keynote lecture:
17.10-18.10 Walther Sallaberger (München): Royal years and cultic month names: The social relevance behind the counting of time in Early Mesopotamia

Friday 25 May 2018 (UB Doelenzaal)

II. Calendrical rituals in ancient Egypt

9.00-9.35 Victoria Altmann-Wendling (München): Celebrating the Moon: Lunar ritual cycles in ancient Egypt
9.35-10.10 Alexa Rickert (Heidelberg/Tübingen): Annual rhythms. The ritual on New Year's day in the temple of Hathor at Dendera (Upper Egypt)

III. Calendrical cycles in the Greco-Roman world

10.30-11.05 Filippo Battistoni (Innsbruck): Social and astronomical times in the Antikythera mechanism
11.05-11.40 Sofie Remijsen (Amsterdam): The timing of Greek sporting festivals
11.40-12.15 Ilaria Bultrighini (London): Θεῶν ἡμέραι: the seven planets as week gods in the Roman Empire

IV. Calendrical festivals in literary texts

13.45-14.20 Christoph Berner (Göttingen): Rhythms of liberation: Release year, sabbatical year and yobel year as biblical concepts of social time
14.20-14.55 Anke Walter (Newcastle): Ovid and the festive calendar of exile: the festival of Bacchus in Tristia 5.3
14.55-15.30 Christian Badura (Berlin): Ovid's Fasti and the cycles of the Roman calendar

V. Rhythms in Greek and Roman daily life

15.50-16.25 Laura Willer (Heidelberg): Time specifications in invitations
16.25-17.00 Roland Färber (Frankfurt/Main): Tax rhythms and collection rituals in the Hellenistic world
Keynote lecture:
17.10-18.10 James Ker (Philadelphia): Hidden Rhythms: Rituals of the routine in Roman time

Saturday 26 May 2018 (UB Potgieterzaal)

9.15-9.50 Frank Grieshaber (Heidelberg): Computer-based chronology: Calendar Gazetteer and Calendar Information System
9.50-12.00 Internal session of the DFG-network CHRONOS


Sofie Remijsen

Universiteit van Amsterdam, UD Oude Geschiedenis, Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam

0031 20 525 4671