The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018. Re-assessing a Concept – Re-defining its Challenges"

The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018. Re-assessing a Concept – Re-defining its Challenges"

Centre André Chastel und LabEx « Écrire une Histoire Nouvelle de l’Europe », Sorbonne Université Paris
INHA (Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art), Paris
From - Until
04.06.2018 - 05.06.2018
Michael Falser

The “Cultural Heritage of Europe” @ 2018: Towards a Global and Transcultural Approach

The global and transcultural turn in the disciplines of art and architectural history and cultural heritage studies helps to question the supposed fixity of territorial, aesthetic and artistic entity called “Europe”, more precisely the taxonomies, values and explanatory modes that have been built into the “European” concept of cultural heritage and that have taken as universal.
By taking into consideration the recent processes of the accelerated exchange and global circulation of people, goods and ideas, the conference aims to reconstitute the old-fashioned units of analysis of what “European cultural heritage” could be by locating the European and the non-European in a reciprocal relationship in order to evolve a non-hierarchical and broader conceptual framework.


Lundi 4 juin 2018 :

9h00 :
Welcome by Dany Sandron (responsable de l’axe 7 du LabEx EHNE) and Alexandre Gady (directeur du Centre André Chastel)
Introduction par Michael Falser (professeur invité, Sorbonne Université)

European Art and Architecture: Transcultural Heritage?
Art et architecture en Europe: un patrimoine transculturel?

Président de séance : Pascal Liévaux (Direction générale des patrimoines, Ministère de la Culture)

9h30 : Sabine du Crest (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne)
Objets frontière d’une Europe sans frontière ?

9h55 : Elizabeth Mix (Butler University, Indianapolis)
Transcultural (re) appropriation and the (re) assessment of the « European » heritage in the works of Ni Haifeng, Yinka Shonibare etc.

10h20 : Discussion et pause

11h00 : Jean-Sébastien Cluzel (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
Architecture japonaise hors les murs et architecture japonisante: héritage transculturel ?

11h25 : Michael Falser (Sorbonne Université, Paris)
Angkor Wat – a transcultural history of heritage?

11h50 : Discussion et pause

Panel II:
European Heritage: Contested Entities, Questioned Categories
Patrimoine européen: entités contestées, catégories interrogées

Président de séance : Dominique Poulot (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

14h00 : Arnold Bartetzky (Universität Leipzig)
Eastern Europe as a Challenge for Nation-based Heritage Concepts

14h25 : Sanja Horvatincic (Institute of Art History, Zagreb)
Ambiguities and misuses of the ‘Totalitarian Heritage’ Discourse in Post-Socialist Europe

14h50 : Discussion et pause

15h40 : Robert Parthesius (New York University Abu Dhabi, Leiden University)
Footprints of the European Expansion: Whose heritage is stamped in?

16h05 : Ulrike Schmieder (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
The Cultural Heritage of Europe@2018 and the legacy of slave trade and slavery

16h30 : Discussion et pause

18h30 : Keynote
Dan Hicks (Oxford University)
Heritage and Impermanence: Refugee Material Culture as European Heritage?
Respondant: Michael Falser (Professeur Invité, Sorbonne Université, Paris)

Mardi 5 juin 2018

Panel III:
Contextualizing Europe: Objects, Places and Knowledge as Shared Heritage?
Contextualiser l’Europe: Objets, lieux et savoirs comme patrimoine partagé ?

Président de séance : Barthélémy Jobert (Sorbonne Université, Paris)

9h30 : Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper/Hafid Hamdi-Chérif (Technische Universität Berlin/Paris-Constantine)
Patrimoines et appartenances culturelles: De la Convention de Faro (2005) au Manifeste Européen pour la multiple affiliation culturelle (2007)

9h55 : Chiara de Cesari (Amsterdam University)
European Heritage and Cultural Racism

10h20 : Discussion et pause

11h00 : Andrea Burroni, Giovanna Carugno (University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)
Europe’s “cultural goods” and “national treasures”: Definitions, legislations, circulations

11h25 : Felicia Meynersen (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Berlin)
Historical depth and the European dimension. Cultural heritage data and its role in crisis archaeology

11h50 : Discussion et pause

Panel IV:
European Heritage Rhetoric and Identity Politics Reconsidered
La rhétorique du patrimoine européen et les politiques identitaires reconsidérées

Président de séance : Jean-Baptiste Minnaert (Sorbonne Université, Paris)

14h00 : Viktorija Čeginskas, Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus (University of Jyväskylä)
The geopolitics of Cultural Heritage: Two aspects of borders and the European Heritage Label

14h25 : Claire Bullen, Mark Ingram (Université Aix-Marseille, Goucher College)
The European Capitals of Culture Programme and the Mediterranean heritage-making in Marseille

14h50 : Discussion et pause

15h40 : Inês Quintanilha (NOVA Lisbon University)
House of European History in Brussels (2017): Musealising a European identity

16h05 : Alba Irollo (Europeana Foundation, The Hague)
Cultural Heritage and European Citizenship: The Challenges of 2018 (Euro-Barometer)

16h30 : Discussion

Contact (announcement)

PD Dr.-Ing. Mag. Michael Falser
Professeur Invité
Sorbonne Université, Paris

Research Associate
Cluster of Excellence 'Asia and Europe in a Global Context', Heidelberg University
Editors Information
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