Homo Pictor. Image Studies and Archaeology in Dialogue

Homo Pictor. Image Studies and Archaeology in Dialogue

Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften der Universität Freiburg
Freiburg i. Br.
From - Until
28.06.2018 - 30.06.2018
Jacobus Bracker

Many material remains of past cultures carry images or pictorial elements that are invaluable in the interpretation of these cultures. Correspondingly, there is a broad spectrum of analytical methods that are employed to answer a variety of questions. While some of these methods of image analysis have their conceptual foundation in art history, others have been developed autonomously within the field of archaeology and without reference to interdisciplinary discourses. A consistent theoretical framework that would allow for a systematic conceptualisation of a discipline specific or historic study of images in archaeology has not yet been articulated.

Since the pictorial and the iconic turn there has been a vast trans- and interdisciplinary research on images and their perception under the categories of image science (Bildwissenschaften) and visual culture studies. The conference seeks to explore whether and how these contemporary developments can contribute to theories of the image and methods of image analysis within archaeology. Reciprocally, it will also be asked in what ways archaeology – due to its large material corpora and long scholarly tradition – could make a considerably larger contribution to the fields of image and visual culture studies than acknowledged to date – especially as the object of its research reaches back to the origins of humans and images and their relationship.

Programme and abstracts may be downloaded from the conference website: https://www.iaw.uni-freiburg.de/iaw_tagung_2018

Attendance of the conference is free. Please notify by email if you plan to participate: jacobus.bracker@archaeologie.uni-freiburg.de

The conference is organised by the Institute for Archaeological Studies at the University of Freiburg.


Thursday, 28 June 2018

12.00 Registration (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albertstraße 19)

12.30 Welcome Address

12.45 Archaeology of Image Cultures (Jacobus Bracker, Freiburg/Hamburg)

13.30 Homo Pictor Redux. The Cognitive Semiotics of Temporally and/or Spatially Distant Objects (Göran Sonesson, Lund)

14.45 Bild – Wissen. Dem antiken Homo Pictor auf der Spur (Martina Seifert, Hamburg)

15.30 Why Images? Italy in the Late 2nd and 1st Century BC (Annette Haug, Kiel)

16.45 Panofsky – Warburg – Cassirer. From Iconology to Image Science (Martina Sauer, Bühl (Baden))

17.30 Imaging Emotions. The Potential of an ‘Emotional Turn’ in the Study of the Visual Cultures and Emotional Communities of Mesopotamia (Elisabeth Wagner-Durand, Freiburg)

Friday, 29 June 2018

09.00 Registration (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albertstraße 19)

09.30 Hans Belting’s ‘Anthropology of Images’ in Classical Archaeology (Burkhard Emme, Berlin)

10.15 The Image as a Normative Force (Charlotte Behr, London)

11.30 A Facial Society? The Study of Roman Portraiture and Image Studies (Katharina Lorenz, Gießen)

12.15 Approaching Archaeological Images with Cognitive Science (Sonja Speck – Katharina Zartner, Mainz)

13.00 Lunch Break & Change of Venue (move to Kollegiengebäude I, lecture hall 1015, Platz der Universität, across from the University Library)

14.30 Zur heuristischen Kategorie des Kontextes in der Archäologie. Bemerkungen zu einem attischen Schalenfragment des Phintias (Nikolaus Dietrich, Heidelberg)

15.15 Archaeology of Images: Context and Intericonicity in Neo-Assyrian Art (Davide Nadali, Rome – Ludovico Portuese, Berlin)

16.30 Semiotische Untersuchungen zum Bildtransfer in der Kunst von Gandhara (Simone Voegtle, Bern)

17.15 Narration durch Rezeption? Anwendung eines „Bezugsrahmen“-Modells auf unteritalische Vasenbilder (Elisabeth Günther, Berlin)

Saturday, 30 June 2018

09.00 Registration (Kollegiengebäude I, lecture hall 1015, Platz der Universität, across from the University Library)

09.30 „Dein Blick weckt mein Begehren.“ Über Bilderfahrungen und Blickbeziehungen (Stefanie Johns, Hamburg)

10.15 Unboxing St. Demetrios: Bild-Enthüllungen als Strategie der Authentifizierung (Fabian Stroth, Freiburg)

11.30 The Aesthetics of ‘Time-Reckoning’: a Guna Chromatic History (Paolo Fortis, Durham)

12.15 Textile Patterns as a Depiction of Order (Flavia Carraro – Ellen Harlizius-Klück, Munich)

13.00 Farewell

Contact (announcement)

Jacobus Bracker

IAW, Abt. Klassische Archäologie, Fahnenbergplatz, 79098 Freiburg


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