Programme of CIPSH Academic Chairs

Programme of CIPSH Academic Chairs

International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences / Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines
From - Until
01.08.2019 -
Tissot Laurent

CIPSH, the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines), announces a new initiative designed to highlight and encourage existing research networks of centres of research in the humanities and to attract greater attention to the humanities worldwide and enhanced recognition of their importance in contemporary society.

The aim is to endorse and publicize the establishment as academic humanities chairs of such networks, oriented towards a general theme and headed by one chairholder, at universities or other recognized research institutions; the chairholder will be supported by a team of several associates in the host institution and preferably also in one or more other institutions and, if possible, in one or more other countries. Ideally, the designated theme or project should be interdisciplinary in nature, and one or more of the supporting institutions should be located in a country or countries different from that of the host institution. The initial appointment of a chairholder will be for a period of five years, with the possibility of renewal following favourable evaluation.

The new CIPSH chairs are not intended to be in competition with already- existing programmes, namely UNESCO chairs; in fact, it would be possible, theoretically, for an individual and a centre to hold both at once. However, it is hoped that the humanities orientation of the CIPSH chairs, as well as other considerations, will attract a broad and diverse pool of distinguished applicants, and that the designation of “CIPSH Chair” will carry with it a special prestige of its own.

Applications are solicited ahead of a deadline of February 14, 2019, with selection to be completed by April 12, 2019, and the inauguration of the first chairs to take place on August 1, 2019. The selection committee will consist of three members of the CIPSH Executive Committee and two outside consultants, with final evaluation of their decisions by the full Executive Committee.

Guidelines and Procedures

Individuals interested in directing a CIPSH Chair should obtain the approval of the relevant administrative officer (Dean, Chancellor, President, Director) of their institution and consult with colleagues at that institution and, preferably, at at least one or two other institutions with which they would like affiliation in their project. If they receive favourable responses, they should then proceed to complete their application, following the outline in the Annex, below.

Completed applications should be sent to the “CIPSH chairs programme 2019, C/ Secretary-General of CIPSH, Luiz Oosterbeek”, at the following address, before February 14, 2019: 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15, France. It is preferable to submit these proposals both electronically ( and by mail.

Successful projects should, ideally, be interdisciplinary in nature, with special attention being paid to the mission and goals of CIPSH.

All projects will first be reviewed by a three-member committee of the CIPSH Board and two outside consultants, the recommendations of which will be reviewed by the entire Board in order to prepare an announcement by April 12, 2019. This should allow time for the inauguration of the Chairs on August 1, 2019.

The institution of the CIPSH Chair holder will be asked to contribute 700 Euros per year to CIPSH and to provide for the time needed by the Chair holder and his or her collaborators to carry out the project. Affiliated institutions should also provide assurance that the time needed by their faculty/staff members who are participating in the project will be made available. It is to be hoped that additional funding from other sources, such as outside scholarly organizations, will be made available.

The Chair holder will be expected to prepare an annual report, to be reviewed by the CIPSH Chair Committee. CIPSH will reserve the right to terminate a Chair, upon decision of its Board following a recommendation of the CIPSH Chair Committee, if it deems the work in carrying out the project to be unsatisfactory. The normal duration of a CIPSH Chair will be five years. If, at the end of five years, the Chair holder wishes to renew the project, CIPSH will be open to that possibility on the basis of favorable evaluations.

Submission of Project Proposals

This project outline indicates the information which is required in order for CIPSH to evaluate your proposal. Details are requested in order to analyse the importance of the project in the context in which it is proposed.

The proposal, not exceeding 10 pages, excluding annexes, should be presented in a separate document and not on this form.


1. Project title:
2. Expected starting date:
3. Duration:
4. Domain(s) or discipline(s) concerned:
5. Name and full address of host institution(s):
6. Faculty(ies)/Department(s) concerned:
7. Executing institution:
a. Project leader/contact person (name, curriculum vitae)
b. Full address/telephone/fax/e-mail/website:
8. Partners (name and address of participating researchers and institutions):
9. Total project budget (€):
10. Funding sources – organizations, bodies, and amount
a. In cash
b. In kind


1. Domain(s) or discipline(s)
2. Summary of the project (150 words), indicating its correspondence to CIPSH’s priorities
3. Context and justification (300 words)
Analyse trends and issues surrounding the theme of the proposal. What difference will the project make in terms of capacity-building, transfer of knowledge, and strengthening links between universities / other higher education institutions and development bodies.
4. Objectives
a. Developmentobjective(longterm)–contributiontooveralldevelopment goals taking into consideration social, economic and cultural development.
b. Specific objectives – not exceeding 4 (short term) – short-term needs to be satisfied by the proposal.
5. Type of activity (several types of activity can be mentioned)
• Postgraduate teaching programme
• Short-term training
• Research
• Visiting professorships
• Scholarships
• Institutional development
(including strengthening of information/library services, laboratories and so on)
6. Target beneficiaries
• Students
• Academics
• Professionals
• Other (specify)
7. Visibility and expected results at the national, regional and international levels
• Quantitative and qualitative results clearly identified.
• Please indicate how the visibility of the project activities will be ensured, for example, through publications, brochures and websites.
8. Implementation strategy – How will the project be implemented?
a. Management
b. Capacity-building
c. Sustainability
d. Linkages with other relevant activities at institutional, national, regional and international levels
e. How will benefits be sustained?
f. Transfer of knowledge
9. Proposed schedule of major activities
There should be a clear link between the activities and the objectives to be achieved. The schedule should show activities, timing and expected outcomes.


The CIPSH Chairs Programme encourages partnerships (North-South-South) among institutions of higher education, NGOs, foundations, agencies, and public and private sector organizations or businesses.

Please attach one or more letters of support from the head of the institution(s) or businesses concerned, explaining their willingness to cooperate and interest in doing so.

1. Participating partners: Individual Researcher and institutions (name and address of each)
a. Confirmed:
b. Proposed:
2. Other inter-university networks for partnership (name and address of each).


Please attach the supporting documents for each type of financing, for example, exchange of letters.

1. Total project budget – full details – categories of expenditure, etc.
2. Contribution of your institution
a. Budgetary provision (in €)
b. Services in-kind (in €)
3. Extrabudgetary resources to be mobilized
• Please refer to the total project budget under D.1 and indicate items for which you will mobilize extrabudgetary resources.
• Indicate donor funding source, purpose and amounts (€) – contributions proposed or approved by donors.
• Potential funding sources (for example, UNDP, regional development banks, foundations, NGOs, national/bilateral donors, the public or private sector). Indicate those funding sources which your institutions/associations or the national authorities in your country are in a position to approach and those for which you request external support.


1. Institutional support
Please note that the project should be presented by the Chair Holder, but Vice-Chancellors, Rectors or Presidents of the participating institutions can write support letters.

2. Other support Please specify.


Please add any information relevant to the proposal which has not been covered by the above points.


Contact (announcement)

Luiz Oosterbeek
Secrétaire générale
1 rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15
+ 33. 1. 45 68 48 85

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