From "Holocaust by Bullets" to Auschwitz. Regional Dimensions of the Final Solution

From "Holocaust by Bullets" to Auschwitz. Regional Dimensions of the Final Solution

Dr. George Eisen, Emeritus Professor & AVPAA, Chair - Conference Organizing Committee, CEO - Global Education Consulting
Uzhhorod National University
From - Until
16.06.2019 - 18.06.2019
Doreen Eschinger

The conference will provide an integrated and multi-dimensional view of the evolution of the Final Solution in Central and Eastern Europe. It aims to present new voices, new perspectives, and new approaches for understanding the Holocaust. Most widely known images depict only the final chapter, the extermination of millions in gas chambers, however the ghettoization and subsequent extermination of millions between 1941-1943 was also carried out by lesser known (but equally lethal) "person-to-person" methods: bullets.

The conference connects the starting and final chapters and the ongoing genocide between them. The conference will also commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust.

“From ‘Holocaust by Bullets’ to Auschwitz” aims to attract students and scholars with new ideas, new perspectives, and creative approaches toward the understanding of the Holocaust. The organizers hope to host scholarly papers as well as foster discussions between various disciplines and scholars and students.

Therefore, two forums are organized through which individuals can participate in the conference: (1) paper presentations, and (2) round-table discussions. Participants are encouraged to engage in both forms of scholarly exchanges!

Themes and topics may include but are not limited to:

- Regional Implementation of the Holocaust: Comparative Perspectives
- The evolution of the Holocaust: from Bullets to Gas Chambers
- "The Silence of God:" Theological Questions about the Holocaust
- Holocaust Education: Lessons for Future Generations
- The Holocaust in Contemporary Political Discourse
- The Holocaust in the Mirror of Literature, Art, Film and Music
- Reconstituting a Community: Post Holocaust Generations
- Perpetrators, Collaborators, & Rescuers in the Holocaust
- Students' Reflections: What Have They Learned about the Holocaust

To apply for the conference please complete the form below:
Name of the presenter or registrant (include official or scientific title):
Name of the co-presenter: if any
Home Institution (university or scholarly institution):
Email Address:
Phone (optional): for emergency purposes
Title of the Presentation:
An Abstract (200 words):

Please note: Participants are strongly encouraged to join one or several of the discussion groups which will be moderated by leading scholars. Please select from the list of themes and topics mentioned above.

Also, please indicate if you are interested in joining in any of the optional trips organized by the conference team (please see the conference website for more information).

Deadline for sending a proposal, with title and abstract: March 15, 2019. Results will be announced by April 30, 2019.

Please send proposals and conference registration to the Conference Organizing Committee (also, you can get in touch with us in case you need additional information or if you have questions):


Tel: +1 (585) 309-1717

For interested audience registration is ongoing, there is no deadline!

Registration Fee:

- Students are free.
- Discounted fee for participants from the seven countries of the region is US$30. A limited number of special scholarships will be available.
- For all other registrants (to include The Americas, Asia, Australia and Western European participants) the fee is $50.

These fees will cover special lunches and dinners during which keynote addresses are delivered. Fees are for presenters only, if you are not presenting there is no fee. If you would like to participate in special dinners though please register and pay.

Transferring registration fees should be done via bank-to-bank. Instructions for doing that will be provided following registration.

Organizers & host institution:

1. Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, a leading higher education institution in the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine.
2. John Wesley Theological College – houses the Institute for the Research of the Holocaust & Christianity, Budapest.
3. Salisbury University, a prominent regional educational institution, is a member of the Maryland State University System, USA.

The host of the conference, the State University of Uzhhorod, was selected for its academic excellence as well as central location in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual region. Transcarpathia has been populated through the centuries by Rusyns, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovakians, Germans, Jews and Roma. At the "cross-roads" of the region, Uzhhorod is easily accessible from the neighboring countries by car or train. Overseas participants can fly to Budapest or other regional airports in Hungary and proceed by train.
For current information visit our website at:


Contact (announcement)

Dr. George Eisen
EV Global Education Consulting, 120 Lakeside Drive, Laurel DE 19956, USA
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