Technologies and Modernity: Technological Artifacts, Appropriations and Social Relations, 19th–21st Centuries

Technologies and Modernity: Technological Artifacts, Appropriations and Social Relations, 19th–21st Centuries

Ricardo Cicerchia, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET; Cecilia Rustoyburu, Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata/CONICET
Buenos Aires
From - Until
01.01.2021 -
Cecilia Rustoyburu

The Historia and Sociedad journal of the National University of Colombia (Medellín) invites the natioanl and international academic community to participate in issue 40 (January-June 2021) with unpublished artiles in Spanish, English or Portuguese on topics of the dossier "Technologies and Modernity. Technological Artifacts, Appropriations and Social Relations, XIX-XXI Centuries".

Purpose of the dossier

Technology is for Modernity the most ideal way to achieve the submission of nature: social perfomances that mean practicality and simplification, productivity and increase in quality of life. Howeer, it also exacerbates social differences, pollution and unemployment. This dossier invites the presentation of research papers that examine how technology has been conceived and deployed, and the oscillations it has had in its assessment throughout different historical moments, from Modernity to the 21st century.

We look for those essential keys to understand the cognitive meanings of the theory and technological practices, while we propose to investigate a network of networks between systems of network orderings, tax subjects and actors of expansion, logical and rational thinking procedures.

Traditional historiography has wandered through an almost exclusive question: the technological impact. Our intention is to recover research that has managed to restore historicities, transpose preeminences of objects and deepen cultural trajectories, whose meaning is not found in the individuality of each process, but in the global and local terms that integrate them.

-Historical research on transport, communications technologies and social dynamics
-Case studies on production, uses and re-appropriation of technologies
-Information technologies and debates about intellectual history
-Historiographical debates on technology and society


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English, Portuguese, Spanish
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