Interdisciplinary Doctoral Workshop: Historical Research Practices

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Workshop: Historical Research Practices

Doktoratsprogramm Asien und Europa, Universität Zürich
Vom - Bis
19.09.2019 -
Alexandra Ciorciaro

On Thursday, September 19th 2019, the doctoral program „Asia and Europe“ at Zurich University will hold an interdisciplinary PhD workshop on historical research practices with Prof. Andrew Goble.
Goble is professor for Japanese history at the Univesity of Oregon (Eugene, Origon in the USA), and the author of the book Kenmu: Go-Daigo's Revolution (Harvard University Press Asia Center, 1996).
We kindly invite all interested PhD students to attend the workshop.

Workshop description and goal
The workshop aims to establish a dialogue between diciplines by reflecting on the historical research practices across various fields. Many questions are of interest, such as, for example:
- which are the dominant research paradigms? (eg. hagiography vs. systematic approach)
- what kind of problems are being addressed? What is not being addressed?
- which sources are used? (eg. written documents vs. archaeological excavations)
- how does the selection of topics influence the selection of sources and vice-versa?

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss problems faced in their own research connected to these issues and exchange ideas with peers from other fields.

Status reports
Participants will contribute a short status report on research practices in their field. They are relatively free in the form of that presentation as long as it addresses relevant issues as described in
the description above. Eg.. it could be a general overview over dominant tendencies of historical research in their field, a reflection on recent trends, it may address the work of a specific historian,
or possibly discuss one specific article or monograph. The status reports should be about 5-10 minutes each.


09:00 – 10: 00
Welcome & Introductions
The participants introduce themselves briefly and describe their thesis in 3 minutes.
10:00 - 10:30 tea/coffee
10:30 – 12:00
Lecture by Prof. Andrew Goble: historical research practices in Japan, Prof. Andrew Goble, a specialist of medieval Japanese history, will hold an introductory lecture on the dominant historical research practices in Japan and their impact on research on Japanese History outside of Japan.
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 15:30
Participant status reports: historical research practices across disciplines Participants contribute a short status report about the work of influential historians in their research field, addressing questions such as mentioned in the workshop description (see anouncement email). It could be a general overview over dominant tendencies of historical research in their field, a reflection on recent trends, it may address the work of a specific historian, or possibly discuss one specific article or monograph.
16:00 – 18:00
In-depth discussion of the topics and problems addressed throughout the day, specifically in relation to the participant’s own PhD research.


Alexandra Ciorciaro
Asien-Orient-Institut, Universität Zürich, Rämistrasse 59, CH-8001 Zürich
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