Marginality and Centrality in Contradictory Discourses of Religious and National Belonging

Marginality and Centrality in Contradictory Discourses of Religious and National Belonging

Hanna Acke, Åbo Akademi University, in Kooperation mit Ingo H. Warnke, Universität Bremen; Silvia Bonacchi, Universität Warschau; Charlotta Seiler Brylla, Universität Stockholm
From - Until
18.10.2019 - 19.10.2019
Hanna Acke, Fakulteten för humaniora, psykologi och teologi, Åbo Akademi University

This interdisciplinary conference brings together theoretical and empirical research that analyses contradictory discourses of belonging to religious, national and other groups and of these groups to society as a whole. These belongings can be expressed in agendas, arenas, and agencies.
Agendas: When are claims of marginal and central belonging used strategically by individuals and groups for themselves or for others to gain rights, power, status or resources?
Arenas: In which forums and through which media do individuals and groups negotiate their and others’ belonging and stance?
Agencies: What are the possible options for action arising from marginal and central positions?
The conference is part of the Bremen-Turku-Warsaw-Stockholm Series on Studies in Discourse and Contradiction.


Friday, October 18th
9:00 Hanna Acke (Åbo), Silvia Bonacchi (Warsaw), Charlotta Seiler Brylla (Stockholm), Ingo H. Warnke (Bremen): Marginality and Centrality in Contradictory Discourses of Religious and National Belonging
Marginalizing and Centralizing Practices I
9:20 Blanka Henrikson (Åbo): ”You are sort of always in between in a way” – Experienced borders in young adults’ own narratives of migration
10:00 Tatyana Lipai (Minsk): Marginalized people and manmade borders
10:40 Coffee break
11:10 Ernest Hess-Lüttich (Berlin/Cape Town): Hope for integration? European Perspectives on Refugees from Africa: Language(s) and culture(s)
11:50 Gábor Egry (Budapest): Unlikely brothers? Entangled Székely and Moți peripheries in a contested province: Transylvania 1900–1944
12:30 Lunch break
Marginalizing and Centralizing Practices II
13:30 Gani Olalekan Bakare (Glasgow): Understanding the Social Positions and Positioning of the Urban Poor in the Marginalised Informal Settlements in Cities
14:10 Björn Technau (New York): Appropriated uses of slurs as claims of belonging
14:50 Laura Popa (Gießen): The dilemma of the Italian Protestant feminist discourse: religious or secular belonging?
15:30 Coffee Break
Intersections of National and Religious Belonging I
16:00 Andreas Becker (Bielefeld): The Sami as a Category in the Swedish Empire: Legal and Social Categorizations based on Discourses of Marginality and Centrality in Early Modern Lapland
16:40 Mercédesz Czimbalmos (Åbo): Belonging and Identity in Finnish Jewry
17:20 Esther Jahns (Berlin): Positioning in the community. How German-speaking Jews perceive and make use of their multilingual resources
Saturday, October 19th
Contradictory Marginalizations (in English)
9:00 Charlotta Seiler Brylla (Stockholm): The Opinion Corridor. Negotiating the “sayable” in Swedish public discourse
9:40 Stephan Steiner (Vienna): “God’s Empire here in Vienna”: Protestant life in the Habsburg Empire in the 18th century
10:20 Svante Lindberg (Åbo): Francophone Calvinists in 18th Century Berlin: Margins, Cosmopolis, Nation. On Charles Étienne Jordan and Mathurin Veyssière de La Croze
Contradictory Marginalizations (in German)
9:00 Christopher Schmidt (Åbo): Widersprüchlichkeit im sprachlichen Handeln und kulturelle Identität
9:40 Katharina Bock (Berlin): Jude bleiben, Christ werden? Jüdische Figuren in der dänischen Literatur (ca. 1820–1850)
10:20 Diana Hitzke (Dresden/Gießen): Minderheiten erzählen. Konzepte von Insularität und Hybridität aus mehrsprachiger und vergleichender Perspektive
11:00 Coffee Break
Intersections of National and Religious Belonging II
11:30 Herbert Rostand Ngouo (Maroua): An Analysis of the Deployment of Religious Themes in Anglophone Nationalist (and Secessionist) Discourse on Social Media in Cameroon
12:10 Matthias J. Becker (Sheffield): ‘Antisemitism is a European problem. It’s good that we voted Leave!’ Declarations of marginal belonging in British mainstream web discourses on Brexit
12:50 Lunch break
Intersections of National and Religious Belonging III
13:50 Maya Hadar (Brno): Together We Stand? The Effect of Perceived Outcomes of Political Violence on National belongings of Jewish and Arab Israelis
14:30 Joanna Chojnicka (Bremen): The separation of church and state? Religious argumentation in the Polish parliament
15:10 Concluding discussion
15:40 Farewell coffee break

Contact (announcement)

Hanna Acke
Åbo Akademi University
Fabriksgatan 2
20500 Åbo
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