The Reformed Theology and Spirituality of Music: From the Reformation to the Present (extended deadline CfP submission)

The Reformed Theology and Spirituality of Music: From the Reformation to the Present (extended deadline CfP submission)

Dr. Hyun-Ah Kim, Theologische Universiteit Kampen / European Melanchthon Academy, Bretten; Dr. Jan van de Kamp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Dr. Jaco van der Knijff, Theological University Apeldoorn; The RMHT Project is supported by the Theological University of Kampen and the European Melanchthon-Academy in Bretten in the framework of Refo RC
Kampen / Amsterdam / Apeldoorn
From - Until
13.05.2020 - 15.05.2020
Dr. Jan van de Kamp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Religion and Theology

The principal aim of this conference is to reassess the significance of the Reformed theology and spirituality of music in relation to education, ethics, liturgy and culture, by scrutinising Reformed musical discourses and practices that lie at the core of musical polemics and apologetics across Reformation Europe and thereafter. The conference seeks not only to study the foundation of the Reformed theology and spirituality of music, but also to diagnose the musical state of modern Reformed churches accordingly.

We cordially invite researchers to submit proposals which engage with a range of methodologies and perspectives on the Reformed traditions of music in public worship and private devotion. Proposals may address, but need not be limited to, the following topics:

- The early modern Reformed theology and spirituality of music: 1520s – 1700s.
- The Reformed practices of church music in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
- Music, devotion, and identity in Reformed worship.
- Music, ethics, and spirituality in Reformed churches.
- The Reformed tradition of music as prayer.
- Music, dance, and education in Reformed churches.
- Singing, exile, and piety in Reformed churches.
- Organ music in Reformed churches.
- Relationship between the Reformed practices of church music and its Lutheran counterpart.
- The Musical Impact of the Reformed churches on Catholic, Anglican and other Protestant church music.
- Church music in non-Western Reformed churches (Asia, Africa and Latin America).
- Reforming the Reformed tradition of music: challenge, change and continuity.

Call for Papers:
We welcome both panels and individual papers. Proposals for
- 20-minute papers with 10 minutes discussion as well as for
- round-table panel sessions of 60 mins or 90 mins are invited.

Proposals (panel: max. 500 words; individual paper: max. 250 words) and brief CVs (max. 100 words) should be submitted to the committee ( no later than November 15, 2019.

Selected papers will be published in a series of volumes edited by RMHT project team.


Plenary Speakers:

Erik de Boer (Theologische Universiteit Kampen, The Netherlands): "Prayer and Prophecy in the Reformed Tradition"

Ian Hazlett (University of Glasgow, Scotland, U.K.): topic coming up later

Karin Maag (H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin University, U.S.A.): topic coming up later

Grantley McDonald (Universität Wien, Austria/ University of Oxford, U.K.): "Radical Psalmody"

Contact (announcement)

Dr. Hyun-Ah Kim

Theologische Universiteit Kampen
Broederweg 15, 8261 GS Kampen, The Netherlands
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