ABGESAGT! In the Shadow of the Tree: The Diagrammatics of Relatedness as Scientific, Scholarly, and Popular Practice

ABGESAGT! In the Shadow of the Tree: The Diagrammatics of Relatedness as Scientific, Scholarly, and Popular Practice

Marianne Sommer, Simon Teuscher, Staffan Müller-Wille, Caroline Arni
Universität Luzern, 4.A05
From - Until
02.04.2020 - 03.04.2020
SNF Sinergia Research Group "In the Shadow of the Tree"

The conference is cancelled due to the corona virus epidemic that makes it impossible for many of the invited guests to attend and has led to regulations by the Canton of Lucerne (https://gesundheit.lu.ch/Meldung_einer_Veranstaltung) that we cannot fulfill. Thank you for your understanding!

Aufgrund dessen, dass mehreren Vortragenden wegen der Corona-Virus-Gefahr die Anreise von ihrer Universität untersagt wurde und aufgrund der Vorsichtsmassnahmen des Kantons Luzern (siehe https://gesundheit.lu.ch/Meldung_einer_Veranstaltung) müssen wir die Konferenz 'In the Shadow of the Tree: The Diagrammatics of Relatedness as Scientific, Popular, and Scholarly Practice' absagen. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis!

Visualizations of relatedness between organisms tend to take the shape of diagrams, and these scales, cones, maps, networks, trees, etc. do not simply make visible natural connections but create or deny kinship in particular ways and for particular reasons. In the Sinergia project, we investigate diagrams of relatedness in Western Europe and in spaces of European expansion since the late medieval period in the areas of genealogy, natural history, biology, heredity, and anthropology. In doing so, we develop diagrammatics as a methodology that interrelates disciplinary approaches to working with and working on diagrams. Understanding diagrams as techniques that transcend such binaries as ‘thought and action’ and ‘image and text,’ we aim at a comparative analysis of how they were made and used, of how diagrams of relatedness function as epistemic, cultural, and political practices, e.g. with respect to incest prohibition, (male) hereditary succession of power and wealth, or the constitution of ‘racial relations’ and the determination of ‘purity of blood.’

The first international conference focuses on Genealogy (15th-19th c.): Stéphane Jettot (Paris Sorbonne), Michaela Hohkamp (University of Hannover), Simon Teuscher (University of Zurich), Jean-Paul Zuñiga (EHESS Paris); Natural History, Biology, Heredity (18th-20th c.): Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (MPIWG Berlin), Ariane Dröscher (University of Trento), Amir Teicher (Tel Aviv University), Ted Porter (UCLA); and Anthropology (17-20th c.): Staffan Müller-Wille (Cambridge University), Marianne Sommer (University of Lucerne), Helen Gardner (Deakin University Melbourne).

Financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation.



10:00-10:15 Greeting (Marianne Sommer)

I. Genealogy (15th-19th c.)

10:15-11:15 Stéphane Jettot (Paris Sorbonne), “’Intelligible to the mind and pleasing to the eye’: mapping out kinship in British family directories (1700-1830)” (Chair: Simon Teuscher)


11:45-12:45 Michaela Hohkamp (Hannover), “Genealogy and Context” (Chair: Simon Teuscher)


14:00-15:00 Simon Teuscher (Zurich), “The emergence of Tree-Shaped Kinship Diagrams at the End of the Middle Ages” (Chair: Caroline Arni)

15:00-16:00 Jean-Paul Zuñiga (EHESS Paris), “The argument of kinship between images and speech: forms and uses of genealogical rationale in Spanish America (16th-18th centuries)” (Chair: Caroline Arni)


II. Natural History, Biology, Heredity (18th-20th c.)

16:30-17:30 Hans-Jörg Rheinberger (MPIWG Berlin), “Representing Order in 18th Century Natural History” (Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille)


II. Natural History, Biology, Heredity (18th-20th c.) continued

9:30-10:30 Ariane Dröscher (Trento), “Designing cell fate: August Weismann and his cell tree diagrams” (Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille)

10:30-11:30 Amir Teicher (Tel Aviv), “To Tree or not to Tree: The Visual Consolidation of Mendelian Mechanisms” (Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille)


12:00-13:00 Theodore M. Porter (UCLA), “Representing Heredity: Asylum Tables of Family Insanity” (Chair: Staffan Müller-Wille)


III. Anthropology (17th-20th c.)

14:30-15:30 Staffan Müller-Wille (Cambridge/Lübeck), “Corners, Tables, Lines: Towards a Topology of Race” (Chair: Eric Hounshell)

15:30-16.30 Marianne Sommer (Lucerne), “Making Anthropology Diagrammatic: Samuel George Mortons ‘American Golgotha’” (Chair: Eric Hounshell)


17:00-18:00 Helen Gardner (Deakin University Melbourne), “Race Kinship and the Branching Tree: a colonial perspective” (Chair: Eric Hounshell)

18:00-18:15 Conclusion

Contact (announcement)

Eric Hounshell

Frohburgstrasse 3, Raum 3.A27
6002 Luzern, CH

