Summer School "Gender History of Eastern Europe: Methods and Perspectives"

Summer School "Gender History of Eastern Europe: Methods and Perspectives"

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities
Moscow, Basmannaya Str. 21/4
Russian Federation
From - Until
01.07.2020 - 03.07.2020
Jan Surman

In the states of what is usually called Eastern Europe, by which in this case we mean the countries of the former “Eastern bloc”, an unprecedented social experiment was carried out throughout the 20th century, which included an obvious gender component. The so called “women's issue” (zhenskiy vopros) was resolved differently in different localities of Eastern Europe, whether it were different republics of USSR, East Germany or socialist Czechoslovakia, and these policies had different effects on public relations in these countries. After the collapse of socialist regimes and in the transformation to the capitalist system on the territory of these states, elements of the previous gender policy and gender order underwent rapid and not always predictable changes, many of which are still awaiting to be researched. Within the framework of the summer school “Gender History of Eastern Europe: Methods and Prospects”, we hope to begin a new round of discussion on the gender order in the countries of the “Eastern Bloc” under socialism and after the fall of socialist regimes.

The summer school was created specifically to support people who make their steps in academia and are investigating gender issues in historical studies of Eastern Europe (MA students and PhD students). School participants will take part in lectures and seminars led by experts in gender history from different countries. In addition, they will be able to present their own research projects, discuss them and receive expert's feedback. We plan several sections within the school and especially welcome projects on following topics:

- Gender and social transformations in the countries of the former Eastern bloc;
- Women's participation in politics at various levels;
- Eastern European women fighting for their rights;
- Women and labor in socialist regimes and after;
- Gender and the city;
- Queer history of Eastern Europe;
- Gender and neoliberal economies;
- Gender at the university and other academic spaces;
- History of masculinity in the 20th and 21st century;
- Gender in culture and art.
You can offer presentations on other topics.

School experts:
Frank Karioris (Pittsburg University)
Olga Isupova (HSE)
Valeria Utkina (HSE)
Oksana Zaporozhets (HSE)
Ira Roldugina (University of Oxford)
Vladimir Volodin (European University Institute)
Natalia Jarska (Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences).

School curators:
Jan Surman (HSE);
Ella Rossman (HSE);
Alexandra Talaver (CEU).

School languages: Russian and English.
Participation in the school is free, the organizers do not cover the cost of travel and accommodation.
Deadline for applications: March 20.
Application form for the participants from abroad:


Contact (announcement)

Jan Surman

Myasnitskaya 20