Examining Social Mobility Using Digital Historical Databases (Social dynamics. Inequalities, integration, mobility and migration. Conference at the Centre for Social Sciences)

Examining Social Mobility Using Digital Historical Databases (Social dynamics. Inequalities, integration, mobility and migration. Conference at the Centre for Social Sciences)

Department of Comparative Historical Sociology, Eötvös Loránd University; CSS, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
CSS, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
From - Until
16.11.2020 - 17.11.2020
Keller, Márkus; Kiss, Zsuzsi

The section aims to introduce and discuss possible new digitalisation-based methods of historical social mobility research.
The lessons learned from recent historical sociological research is that the problems of the structural transformation of historical society and the process of social mobility are still present in Hungariansocialhistoricalresearch. At the same time, it can be seen that most of these researchprojects are based on “artisanal” methods, the in-depth exploration and analysis work of individual researchers.How can the ever-easier access but still limited use of digital capabilities in historical research (in Hungary) change this situation? To explore future research directions and ways we are looking for candidates who, as they themselves have applied this technique, will help to review the individual methodological solutions that have emerged in recent years, from family history research to mobility research using computerised data capture, data processing, and data visualisation tools.In addition to discussing methodological issues, however, we also consider case studies that have produced new results in some previously explored (or not yet investigated) field of the study of the structure of historical society using the above techniques / methods.


Please submit your abstract through this form by 19 June. Should you not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us: kep.conf@tk.mta.hu

Registration and participation at the conference are free of charge. All costs are to be covered by the participants.


Social dynamics. Inequalities, integration, mobility and migration

Conference at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest
16–17 November, 2020

According to international social science research, in recent years social disparities have increased and unprecedented social phenomena have been exacerbated and these have led to new political and social responses and a reorganisation of the social reproduction system. The purpose of the conference is to gain a clearer picture of social shifts and immobility in the post-millennium international context. Social mobility is hampered by growing inequalities, income and wealth distribution imbalances and a dysfunctional school system, while new channels for mobility have opened up, with international and national migration becoming massive.

The financial, migration and environmental crisis has triggered a stronger than ever political integration / disintegration of society. The former system, targets and paradigm of welfare regimes, the range of beneficiaries and the source and use of financial resources have taken a new turn in many countries, serving social stability rather than the chance to change disadvantages. Citizens' (civic) activity and interest-enforcement potential are weakened and the legitimacy of political integration is filled with populist, authoritarian elements.

Please submit your abstract through this form by 19 June. Should you not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us: kep.conf@tk.mta.hu

Registration and participation at the conference are free of charge. All costs are to be covered by the participants.

Organizing committee:
Dorottya Szikra, Imre Kovách (chair), Boldizsár Megyesi, Bence Ságvári and Attila Papp Z.

Working groups (for a detailed description of working groups click here)

1. Social inequality and integration

2. Political integration of society

3. Hidden patterns of integration. Inequalities and imbalances in large networks

4. Redistribution and Social Inequalities in a Changing Political and Economic Context

5. Civil society, social movements and the structural conditions of democracy in Western and Central and Eastern Europe

6. The social consequences of the transformation of food production and consumption

7. Examining Social Mobility Using Digital Historical Databases

8. Transnational social mobilities

9. Child (im-)mobilities in Central and Eastern Europe: critical perspectives on precarity and potentiality in transnational care arrangements

10. Changing norms of caring and parenting practices

Contact (announcement)

Zsuzsi Kiss

Department of Comparative Historical Sociology,Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, 2.129 B


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