New Yearbook! History of Intellectual Culture

New Yearbook! History of Intellectual Culture

History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) International Yearbook of Knowledge and Society
From - Until
07.04.2021 -
Charlotte Lerg, LMU München

History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) is a new international and interdisciplinary open access yearbook for peer-reviewed papers, published by De Gruyter. Our approach emphasises the cultural dimension in the history of knowledge. We seek contributions to Volume I, planned to be published in the spring/summer of 2022.

New Yearbook! History of Intellectual Culture

History of Intellectual Culture (HIC) is a new international and interdisciplinary open access yearbook for peer-reviewed papers, published by De Gruyter. The yearbook is also a continuation of the journal by the same name founded in 2001. Our approach emphasizes the cultural dimension in the history of knowledge and underscores that knowledge must be regarded as a fundamental category in society. Ideas, concepts, ideologies, theories, and cognitive practices are located within their social and material contexts.

HIC focuses on the modern period (from the long 19th century onward). In addition, the yearbook takes on a decidedly transatlantic and/or continental view of Europe and ‘America’ (including Canada, the U.S., and Latin America) in order to strike a balance between the geographical parameters of global region(alism)s and the fluid nature of cultural and epistemic construction.

Each volume is divided into three sections. The first part is open to individual papers that fall within HIC’s general profile. The second will present a theme, bringing together a number of essays on one specific overarching topic. The third section aims to engage with the field at large, for example through review essays, conversations, theoretical, methodological or conceptual contributions, etc.

We seek contributions to any of the three sections for Volume I, planned to be published in the spring/summer of 2022.

In general, we seek original research that fruitfully ties empirical research to larger theoretical and methodological debates. In particular, we encourage articles that are structured as well-grounded arguments and aim at contributing to the general scholarly development of the field of the history of knowledge.

Section I: Articles
In order to understand the production and circulation of knowledge, we relate intellectual traditions, discourses, and identities to resources, social conditions, and power structures as well as to organisations, infrastructures, and media systems. In short, we conceptualize knowledge as politically, socially, culturally, and economically formed. In this open section, we welcome contributions that engage with the history of knowledge from a cultural perspective that include but are not limited to the following themes:
- institutions, systems, and infrastructures
- circulation (e. g. geographical, biographical, temporal)
- media and materiality
- practices, performances, formations, and formats
- structures, agency, and power relations
- resources and socials conditions
- identity, memory, and community

Section II: Thematic Articles (Theme for Vol I: Participatory Knowledge)
The theme of the first issue of the yearbook HIC deals with “Participatory Knowledge”. It will target the various ways knowledge is rooted in society through the participation of individuals and groups. Topics may include different kinds of knowledge harnessed within or through communities, modes of producing, circulating, and recording knowledge content. For instance, papers could explore societal or organisational frameworks that allow or restrict participation as well as access and power dynamics. The theme also encourages us to interrogate the nature and intersections of cultural, social, and economic hierarchies as parameters that shape these systems.

Section III: Engaging the Field
We are particularly committed to publishing articles that aim at contributing to the general scholarly development of the field of the history of knowledge. HIC intends to inspire dialogue between scholars allowing for a more integrated understanding of knowledge as process and practice. For instance, scholars could reflect and comment on current debates, introduce new perspectives, or offer critical interventions. We particularly welcome new voices and the work of early career researchers. Grounded in the discipline of history, we distinctly encourage interdisciplinary approaches with the aim of stimulating productive exchanges, expanding conventional notions, and enriching public discourse.

We invite proposals (c. 500 words) and a short CV by May 17, 2021, Please sent your proposal to an indicate which section you would like to contribute to.
You will receive notification of the outcome of your application in June. Submission of full articles by September 6, 2021.

Articles for section 1) and 2) should be c. 8,000 words. The format of the third section is more flexible but should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words.

Contact (announcement)

HIC is edited by Charlotte A. Lerg, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich
Johan Östling, Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge (LUCK), Lund University
Jana Weiß, University of Münster

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