Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955

Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955

Center for Austrian and German Studies (CAGS) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev / Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies / Journal of Austrian-American History
Funded by
Botstiber Institute
Beer Sheva
From - Until
27.04.2021 - 27.04.2021
Nathan Marcus, Department of General History, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel

Online Konferenz organisiert vom Zentrum für österreichische und deutsche Studien in Beer Sheva und dem amerikanischen Botstiber Institute

Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955

During this half-day online conference, historians from Austria, Israel and the United States will present their research and talk about the varied presence of Americans in occupied Vienna following the Second World War.


Tuesday, 27 April 2021
(All times are Vienna time)

“Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955”

14:00 Greetings: Austrian Embassy
14:10 Introduction: Botstiber Institute and CAGS
14:20 Key note: Guenter Bischof: Americans in Vienna, 1945-1955

15:00 Intelligence and Espionage
Nathan Marcus: The "Austrian Incident” of 1949
Dieter Bacher: Facing the “most active” enemy - Operational methods of Czechoslovakian intelligence services in post-war Vienna and possible countermeasures as seen by US intelligence
Duncan Bare and Siegfried Beer: Along the Danube: American Intelligence’s Coming of Age in Vienna and Central Europe from 1945-1947/1950
Discussant: Peter Becker


16:30 Art and Culture
Anne Rothfeld: Eve Tucker versus Restitution Policy in U.S. occupied Austria
Anne-Marie Scholz: The Third Man as a historical resource for exploring the topic of Americans
in Vienna, 1945-1955
Oliver Sukrow: „Stable, unstable, and mobile“ – Art exhibitions and the reception of US-American culture in postwar Vienna
Discussant: Frank Stern

17:30 Occupation or Liberation
Anat Varon: Welcome to Vienna: The US Army’s Soldier’s Guide to Austria between Liberation and Nation-Building
Arvid Schors: Returning Home to an Alien Country. German-Speaking Jewish Emigrants as American Soldiers of Occupation in Vienna
SoonimShin: Der Staatsvertrag und dessen privilegierte Behandlung Österreichs gegenüber Deutschland: Warum unterschrieb der „Amerikaner in Wien“ Llewellyn E. Thompson Jr. den Vertrag?
Discussant: Brigitte Bailer

18:30 End of the conference

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Contact (announcement)

Zentrum für österreichische und deutsche Studien
מרכז ללימודים אוסטריים וגרמניים
Center for Austrian and German Studies - CAGS
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Diller Building (74), Room 327
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