Sounds of Power: Sonic Court Rituals In- and Outside Europe in the 15th – 17th Centuries

Sounds of Power: Sonic Court Rituals In- and Outside Europe in the 15th – 17th Centuries

The Institute of Musicology, University of Bern
University oft Bern and Online Via Zoom: Meeting ID: 653 5070 6118
Gefördert durch
SAGW, Burgergemeinde Bern, Kommission für Forschungs- und Nachwuchsförderung, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Institut für Musikwissenschaf der Universität Bern Walter Benjamin Kolleg, Interdisziplinäres Forschungs- und Nachwuchsnetzwerk, Graduate School of the Humanities der Universität Bern, Fondation Johanna Dürmüller-Bol, SMG
Vom - Bis
17.06.2021 - 19.06.2021
Margret Scharrer, Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität Bern

Does power have its own specific sound? Or: How do sounds in combination with other media function specifically in courtly rituals of the premodern era? And: What reactions and associations did they trigger in the ritual community? These and other central questions are the focus of the SNSF project “The Sound of Power: Sound as an Intermedial Category of Courtly Festive Rituals in an Intercultural Perspective in the 15th – 17th Centuries”, which is based at the University of Bern.

Sounds of Power: Sonic Court Rituals In- and Outside Europe in the 15th – 17th Centuries

The focus is on the courtly cultures of the Ottoman Empire, with special attention to the circumcision ceremonies that Murad III held for his sons for a full 52 days at the Hippodrome in Istanbul in 1582, and various rituals of the Burgundian-Habsburg sphere of the second half of the 15th century, such as the Banquet of the Pheasant in Lille (1454), the Trier princely meeting (1473) or the election and coronation of Maximilian I as Roman-German king in Aachen (1486). These events, among others, will be issued to demonstrate by a cross cultural approach how sounds were involved in demonstrations, representations, and displays of princely power, and how power was expressed specifically in the medium of sound. Special emphasis will be laid on the performance and interaction between the media, since ritual and ceremony consciously made use of the different sensual worlds of experience in order to be emotionally tangible and experienceable, to trigger the desired effect of an exaggeration, even overwhelming. In this context, forms of idealization are also problematized, such as the perception of others in words, sound, or image, and the transfer between the different courtly spheres.

The conference would like to broaden the view and include, in addition to the dynasties mentioned, other court cultures within and outside the European sphere and discuss fundamental anthropological tendencies of a model of domination and sound.


Accessible Via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 653 5070 6118

Thursday, 17 June 2021
Introduction & General Reflections

Chair: Cristina Urchueguía

14:00 Opening
(CET) Cristina Urchueguía
Margret Scharrer
A. Tül Demirbaş

14:15 Keynote: Sovereign Power and the Place of Pleasure: Musical Patronage in Mughal India, 1593–1707
Katherine Butler Schofield

15:00 What’s All This Noise? Exploring the Soundscapes of the Early Modern Court: Chances and Challenges
Harriet Rudolph

15:30 Coffee break

Chair: Judith I. Haug

16:00 Sight and Sound of Power. Communication Strategies of Papal Rituals in Early Modern Rome
Tobias C. Weißmann

16:30 “Cantiam vittoria, gaudio, honor, trionfo, e pace” – Die Sakralisierung Venedigs mittels der rappresentazioni (1570–1605)
Evelyn Korsch

Friday, 18 June 2021
Ottoman & Habsburg-Burgundian Court Cultures

Chair: Margret Scharrer

10:00 “Pour consideracion des bons et aggreables services”: dons, musiciens et communication politique à la cour de Bourgogne (1404–1467)
Baptiste Rameau

10:30 Maximilian I and the Musical Experiences of Bianca Maria Sforza
Helen Coffey

11:00 Marian Devotion as Expression of Power. Aspects of Repertoire and Political Representation at the Court of Margaret of Austria
Daniel Tiemeyer

11:30 Lunch

Chair: A. Tül Demirbaş

13:30 Traces of Modern Ideas in the Music of the Ottoman Empire
Songül Karahasanoğlu & Süleyman Cabir Çıplak

14:00 The Expression of Awe during the Early Modern Ottoman Carnivals of Animals
Ido Ben-Ami

14:30 The Soundscape of Ottoman-Habsburg Diplomacy in the Eighteenth Century
Gamze İlaslan

15:00 Coffee break

Chair: Margret Scharrer

15:30 Roundtable: Between Ottoman, Habsburg and Burgundy
Markus Koller
Cristina Urchueguía
Karolina Zgraja

Saturday, 19 June 2021
Other Cultures and Transfers

Chair: Judith I. Haug

09:30 Setúbal Soundscapes: Performing the Power of the House of Aveiro during Early Modern Portugal
Ana Cláudia Silveira

10:00 “Ein solcher Lärm ..” Der Klang auf den Hochzeiten des Spätmittelalters
Christof Paulus

10:30 Coffee break

Chair: Margret Scharrer

11:00 The Multi-Layered Soundscape of Charles V Entries in Spanish Cities
Esperanza Rodríguez-García

11:30 Die leisen Klänge der Macht – Das Rebecchino im Kunsthistorischen Museum in Wien
Thilo Hirsch & Marina Haiduk

12:00 Lunch

Chair: A. Tül Demirbaş

14:00 Sonorous Spaces of Splendour: Utilization of Sound in the Courtly Culture of the Safavid Empire in the 17th Century Isfahan
Zeynep Çavuşoğlu

14:30 Koreanische Hofmusik der Joseon-Dynastie zur Zeit von König Sejong (1418–1450)
Jieun Kim

15:00 Coffee break

Chair: Cristina Urchueguía

15:30 Imperial and Far-reaching: State Processional Music of 16th Century China
Joseph S. C. Lam

16:00 The Sound of Habsburg Power in Colonial Mexico: Ritual and Projection of Identity Throughout Music in Exequias and Other Viceregal Events
Grayson Wagstaff

16:30 Coffee break

Chair: Songül Karahasanoğlu

17:00 Roundtable: Sound of Power, Sound of Cultures
François Picard
Wolfgang Behr
Britta Sweers


Margret Scharrer