PhD / Postdoctoral Fellow (f/m/d) "ERC Project: Atlantic Exiles" (Univ. Tübingen)

PhD / Postdoctoral Fellowships "Atlantic Exiles" (f/m/d)

University of Tuebingen (ERC Project "Atlantic Exiles")
Place of work
ERC Project "Atlantic Exiles"
Funded by
European Research Council (ERC)
Place of work
Jan C. Jansen, University of Tübingen

The research project "Atlantic Exiles: Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s–1820s" invites applications for its visiting fellow program. The fellowships will be granted for a period of 6 to 12 months. The project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant, directed by Professor Jan C. Jansen and hosted by the University of Tuebingen.

PhD / Postdoctoral Fellowships "Atlantic Exiles" (f/m/d)

The research project “Atlantic Exiles: Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s–1820s” invites applications for its visiting fellow program. The fellowships will be granted for a period of 6 to 12 months.

Atlantic Exiles explores comparatively the large-scale refugee movements set off by the revolutions in North and South America, France, and Haiti. Based on case studies from the Caribbean and the American continent, the project sets out to show that political exiles and refugee movements were at the very core of major transformations that the Atlantic world underwent during these decades. The project recasts the Caribbean as one of the world’s major receiving and transit regions for refugees during this period, and it provides the first systematic combination of Atlantic history with the growing research field of refugee history. The project includes four sub-projects carried out by a research team of different career stages, plus a number of affiliated PhD and postdoctoral research projects. The research project is funded by an ERC Starting Grant, directed by Professor Jan C. Jansen, and hosted by the University of Tübingen. For more information on the project, its lines of inquiry, sub-projects, and team members, visit

The fellowships are intended to support advanced PhD students and postdoctoral scholars pursue research and publish scholarly output in line with Atlantic Exiles’s objectives. Please make sure to explain in the application how your (doctoral/postdoctoral) research project relates to the ERC project’s goals and methods, how it contributes to Atlantic Exiles’s broader lines of inquiry as well as why the project would be a good place for you to work on your research. Please also indicate the preferred length of the fellowship to carry out your research and output.

The fellowship will start between January and September 2024; the starting date will be agreed upon on an individual basis. The fellows are expected to be in residence in Tübingen and participate in Atlantic Exiles activities and events. Fellows will have the opportunity to make use of the resources of the University of Tübingen, while pursuing their research. Travel to work in archives and libraries will also be possible.

The fellowship is open to both doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. The salary will be established according to the German E13 TV-L scale for public sector employees (and equals 65 percent of a lecturer’s salary, approximately €33-35,000 pro-rata per annum before tax, for PhD fellows; and 100 percent of a lecturer’s salary, approximately €50-54,000 pro-rata per annum before tax, for postdoctoral fellows). The successful candidates will receive social security benefits. Budget for archival travels, conferences, etc. is available. The fellow will be integrated into a dynamic and internationally well-connected research environment.

The university seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified women academics to apply for these positions. Equally qualified applicants with disabilities will be given preference in the hiring process. The university is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. It therefore takes individual’s situation into account and asks for relevant information.

Applications must include:

1) letter of motivation (max. 2 pages);
2) CV (max. 2 pages);
3) outline of research project, including how it relates to the “Atlantic Exiles” project, what output is being prepared/planned and work plan during the fellowship (max. 5 pages);
4) a sample of work (e.g. chapter or article);
5) diplomas/certificates (including official transcripts); and
6) names and contact information of two academic referees.

Please submit all documents in a single PDF to by October 31, 2023.

The employment will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen.

Contact (announcement)

For further information and questions regarding the positions and the research project please contact the principal investigator Prof. Jan C. Jansen at
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