Post-doctoral Researcher "De- and Re-Democratization" (CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest)

Post-doctoral Researcher, CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest - Research group on De- and Re-Democratization

Central European University (Budapest)
Place of work
Place of work
Agnes Lukacsi, Central European University

The Democracy Institute (DI) of the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest invites applications for a 2-year position of post-doctoral researcher at the research group on De- and Re-Democratization (DRD).

Post-doctoral Researcher, CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest - Research group on De- and Re-Democratization

The DI is a research institute that strives to enable the renewal and strengthening of democratic and open societies through world-class research, collaboration across academic and professional disciplines, teaching and learning via the free exchange of ideas, and public engagement on a local, regional, and global scale. DI carries out its mission through its five research work groups on De- and Re-Democratization, Democracy in History, Environment and Democracy, Inequalities and Democracy, and Rule of Law. It is based on CEU’s Budapest site.

For more information, please visit

The successful candidate is expected to carry out independent empirical research within the broad thematic mission of the research group that covers five broad substantive fields: democratic failure, democratic subversion, democratic resistance, democratic polarization, and democratic foundations (

Apart from pursuing their own research, the post-doctoral researcher will assist with constructing and consolidating an innovative, international research network. The position will thus combine research and organizational tasks. The candidate will be working in Budapest, Hungary, but might occasionally be requested to teach courses at CEU Private University in Vienna, Austria.

We would be pleased to receive candidacies by scholars from the Global South or by scholars with a comparative research agenda on the Global South. In the spirit of theoretical and methodological pluralism, we are open to quantitative as well as qualitative approaches.

Responsibilities and opportunities

Conduct their own, independent research.
Explore possibilities of research collaboration within DRD as well as within the CEU and the Democracy Institute at large.
Contribute to organizing seminars and public events of the research group.
Participate in public events and regular management meetings of the research group.
Strengthen the international research network, presence, and academic visibility of DRD.
Assist institution building efforts and the provision of public goods with the Democracy Institute.
Engage in the development of research project plans and funding proposals.
Take advantage of the multidisciplinary composition of the DI academic community and engage with other workgroups.
Collaborate with the Review of Democracy, the Democracy Institute’s online platform.
Depending on interest and capacities, the post-doctoral researcher may take part in educational activities such as mentoring reading circles or discussion groups of doctoral students, offering compact topical seminars to interested students, participating in the DI Leadership Academy or engaging in other non-degree activities of the CEU (such as summer courses, academic preparation courses).


We seek applicants with a record (or strong promise) of relevant and internationally recognized publications in the research area, familiarity with current political affairs, and a keen interest in networking and institution building.Candidates must have excellent written and oral proficiency in English. At the start of their employment, they must have a PhD in hand in the field of Political Science, Sociology, Economics, or related fields.

What we offer

We offer a competitive compensation package as well as a dynamic and international academic environment. The initial employment contract is for 24 months with the possibility of extension for another two years.

Applicants need to submit:

Cover letter
Writing sample (unpublished paper or published article or book chapter)
Names and contact details of two scholars who could supply recommendation letters in case the candidate is shortlisted for the job. The referees will be contacted by CEU DI.

Please send your complete application package as one single pdf file to: – including job code in subject line: 2023/096

Informal inquiries can be addressed to Andreas Schedler <>, Head of the DI research group on De- and Re-Democratization and Chair of the Search Committee.

Interviews of shortlisted candidates are expected to take place online in late February / early March 2024.

CEU is strongly committed to the promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities within our institution. Previous training, work experience and/or engagement with matters of equality, diversity and inclusion at the organizational level will be an asset.

One of the world’s most international universities, a unique founding mission positions Central European University as both an acclaimed center for the study of economic, historical, social and political challenges, and a source of support for building open and democratic societies that respect human rights and human dignity. CEU is accredited in the United States and Austria, and offers English-language bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs in the social sciences, the humanities, law, environmental sciences, management and public policy. CEU enrolls more than 1,400 students from over 100 countries, with faculty from over 50 countries.  

In 2019, CEU relocated from Hungary to Austria as the Hungarian government revoked its ability to issue US-accredited degrees in the country. As a result, CEU offers all of its degree programs in Vienna, Austria; and retains a non-degree, research and civic engagement presence in Budapest, Hungary, through its CEU Democracy Institute, the Institute for Advanced Study, the CEU Summer University and The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives (OSA), and its Hungarian language public educational programs and public lectures.  

For more information, please visit

CEU is an equal opportunity employer.

The privacy of your personal information is very important to us. We collect, use, and store your personal information in accordance with the requirements of the applicable data privacy rules, including specifically the General Data Protection Regulation. To learn more about how we manage your personal data during the recruitment process, please see our Privacy Notice at: (Hungary: Közép-európai Egyetem, Central European University) or (Austria: Central European University, CEU Central European University Private University).
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