Terra Foundation Visiting Professorship (Univ. of Oxford)

Terra Foundation Visiting Professorship (Univ. of Oxford)

University of Oxford
Place of work
United Kingdom
From - Until
01.09.2016 - 30.07.2017
Pike, Lucy

Building on the university’s outstanding resources for the advanced study of art history and North American history, politics, literature, and culture, two one-year visiting professorships will be offered: the first for the 2016–17 academic year; the second for the 2017–18 academic year.

The key objectives of the visiting professorships are to establish American art from the colonial period onwards as a new field of study for Oxford master’s students in art history; introduce the visual arts of the United States to undergraduate students in the history and art history departments; and provide new, global perspectives on American art to scholars and curators at Oxford and beyond.

The visiting professors will become members of the History of Art Department and will also hold visiting fellowships at Worcester College. For more information, please visit the University of Oxford website.

Applications to the 2016-17 Visiting Professorhip are due September 30, 2015. Interviews will take place in Oxford in October 2015. (Another round of applications will be held in 2016, for the 2017-18 Visiting Professorship.)

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