Post-doc position "Bulgaria and European cooperation in the 1970s" (EUI Florence)

Post-doc position "Bulgaria and European cooperation in the 1970s" (EUI Florence)

European Unversity Institute (EUI)
Place of work
From - Until
01.10.2016 - 30.09.2018
PanEur1970s (EUI)

The Department of History and Civilization (HEC) at the European University Institute (EUI) invites applications for the post of research associate in the framework of the ERC-funded research project “Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community” (PanEur1970s).

The project:
PanEur1970s explores, in a comparative way, the European socialist countries’ views, policies, and debates on cooperation with Western Europe, and specifically with the European Economic Community (EEC), in the 1970s. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 669194).
For further information on the project:

The position: Research Assistant
We are looking for a research associate to study these debates in Bulgaria by exploring and analysing archival as well as published sources. More specifically, s/he will do research on Bulgaria’s socialist elites’ views, policies, and ideas on the processes of European cooperation and integration in the 1970s.
The position will be for 24 months, starting from October 2016 (a few months delay is negotiable if need be). The appointed candidate will receive a monthly net salary of approximately 2500 EUR depending on qualifications and allowances (household allowance, expatriation allowance, travel allowance, medical insurance, and dependents’ allowances, if applicable).
Funding for research missions and participation to international conferences will also be provided.

The candidate will have a PhD in History (preferably international or economic history) or in a closely related discipline, as well as research experience on Bulgaria’s archival records.
S/he will be fluent in Bulgarian and have good command of English.
Knowledge of other European languages may constitute an advantage but is not required.

How to apply:
Applicants should read the Vacancy Notice first. Applicants must fill in the on-line application form and upload documents as requested. Only applications submitted through the on line form will be accepted.

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Working languages
Bulgarian, English