1 doctoral position "From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia" (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

1 doctoral position "From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia" (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Place of work
Bellaterra (Barcelona)
From - Until
01.09.2016 - 31.08.2019
Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler

The project ‘After Empire: Using and Not Using the Past in the Crisis of the Carolingian World, c.900‒c.1050 (UNUP)’ is a European Collaborative Research Project located at Barcelona, Berlin, Exeter, St. Andrews and Vienna (http://www.geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/fmi/arbeitsbereiche/ab_esders/HERA.pdf). It is funded by the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) (http://heranet.info) in relation to its current research theme ‘Uses of the Past’ (http://heranet.info/hera-media-publications). The aim of the project is to produce a combination of original research, workshops/conferences and non-academic resources, and it is envisaged as a collaboration between 5 Principal Investigators, 2 post-doctoral Research Fellows, and 3 PhD students.

The Barcelona sub-project ‘From Carolingian Periphery to European Central Region: The Written Genesis of Catalonia’ located at the Institut d’Estudis Medievals (IEM) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain, invites applications for one doctoral position starting September 1st, 2016 (for three years).

The candidate’s principal tasks are:

- collaboration with the members of UNUP
- collaboration with archives, libraries and museums in Catalonia
- preparation of a PhD thesis on a selected topic of the Barcelona sub-project
- preparation of a of manuscript exhibition of 10th- and 11th-century Catalonia
- mediation of historical knowledge to a wider non-academic public

Candidates should have experiences in Medieval History, Medieval Latin and Manuscript Studies. A good command of English is required.

Salary and conditions will conform to UAB regulations.

Applications shall include the following:

- CV
- Electronic copies of editions/articles or other writing samples
- Two letters of recommendation

The candidates should send all materials electronically before July 30, 2016 to Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler: matthias.tischler@uab.cat

The position is open to candidates without any discrimination based on gender, nationality or ethnic origins. The appointment will be based on the candidates’ qualifications and the needs of the research project.

Prof. Dr. Matthias M. Tischler
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Institut d’Estudis Medievals (IEM)
Edifici B - Campus de la UAB -
Tel.: 34 93 581 8390/34 93 586 8837
E-Mail: matthias.tischler@uab.cat
E - 08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)