Bibliothekspraktikum (The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide)

Bibliothekspraktikum (The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide)

The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide
Place of work
United Kingdom
From - Until
03.04.2017 - 30.09.2017
Haardt, Miriam

Would you like to volunteer at The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust & Genocide for 5 to 6 months full time?

This placement is for students/graduates of librarianship, information science, or archive studies as well as for students of history or Holocaust studies. You will gain insight into all aspects of library services including acquisitions, cataloguing, indexing, archival work and customer services. You will be involved in reader services and project work.


Student/graduate of any of the above
Good reading knowledge of German
Fluency in English
Good social skills
Ability to work independently and as part of a team
Attention to detail


Interest in the history of the Holocaust and related subjects
Interest in digital humanities
Additional language skills welcome
The placement is unpaid but travel expenses for London transport (zones 1-4, depending on the location of the accommodation of the intern) will be covered. The Library may be able to provide advice and assistance in finding affordable accommodation. External funding might be possible for students from abroad.

To apply, please email a Covering letter and your full CV to Miriam Haardt who can also be contacted for further information.

Deadline for applications: 15 Feb 2017 (or earlier, if a suitable applicant is found).

Editors Information
Published on
Temporal Classification
Regional Classification
Additional Informations
Country Event
Working languages
English, German