Professur "Transnationale Zeitgeschichte" (Univ. Luxembourg)

Professur "Transnationale Zeitgeschichte" (Univ. Luxembourg)

Université du Luxembourg
Place of work
From - Until
01.01.2020 -
Andreas Fickers

The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual, international research University.

The University of Luxembourg is recruiting for the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) a

Professor of Transnational Contemporary History (19th-20th century) (m/f)

Ref: I3-50012259
Permanent contract
Full-time position (40 hrs/w)
Employee status

Your Role

The candidate will be a member of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), which is one of the three Interdisciplinary Centres of Luxembourg University. The C2DH is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innovative historical research. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history in Luxembourg.

Within the Centre, the candidate will take on research activities in the field of Transnational Contemporary History. Understanding the development of Luxembourg as a nation and welfare state in the 20th and 21st century requires a transnational perspective: the legal system, economic developments, social relationships and cultural identities all bear witness of strong transnational characteristics and transborder relationships. Doing Luxembourgish history in a transnational perspective avoids the pitfalls of methodological nationalism and necessarily places research on Luxembourgish history into a wider and more complex frameworks and patterns of international / global developments. Topics or fields in which the candidate should have an outstanding research track and expertise are: social history with a special focus on migration history; transnational and comparative history of 20th and 21st Europe; contemporary global history. Although a specific expertise in Luxembourgish history is not required, the chairholder is expected to integrate the Luxembourgish case into his/her future research agenda.

Furthermore, the candidate will contribute to research and outreach activities in the field of digital and public history, aiming at enhancing the international visibility of the Centre and at promoting the public engagement with history within Luxemburgish society. In addition, the candidate will be involved in the development of new research priorities, the middle-management of the Centre and in the writing of grant applications.

The candidate will teach a maximum of 90 hours in the Bachelor “European Cultures” (BCE) and Master (MAHEC) programme “Contemporary European History” at the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts & Education (FLSHASE).

He/she will be involved in the doctoral education / PhD supervision, participating at the FLSHASE Doctoral School and the Doctoral Training Unit on « Digital History and Hermeneutics ».

For further information about the position, please contact Prof. Andreas Fickers.

For more information about C²DH, please visit: and

Your Profile

- A minimum of 5 years of post-doctoral experience acquired in a university or comparable research centre
- Experience of working in different academic cultures and active involvement in international networks
- Strong track record of publications (peer-reviewed international journals, academic monographs)
- University-level teaching experience at BA, MA and possibly doctoral education level
- Good digital literacy and / or experience in public history / outreach activities
- Experience with writing grant / research proposals
- Organizational talent and entrepreneurial spirit
- Capacity of working in multi-lingual environment and team spirit
- The candidate will have to master the English language as working language as well as French or German. A basic knowledge of Luxembourgish must be acquired at the end of the second year of seniority at the University.

We offer

- A motivating and interesting position within an international research environment;
- Member of an expanding and dynamic team of highly motivated people building the third interdisciplinary centre of the University;

Further Information

The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.


Please apply in English by sending your CV, motivation letter, copies of diplomas, list of publications, copies of 3 recent publications relevant for the field in question and a list of taught courses until 15th of April 2019.

Editors Information
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Regional Classification
Subject - Topic
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Country Event
Working languages
English, French, German