PhD position "Arabic Philosophy" (Univ. of Cologne)

PhD position "Arabic Philosophy" (Univ. of Cologne)

Thomas-Institute at the University of Cologne
Place of work
From - Until
01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022
Dr. Corrado la Martire

The “Averroes Edition” is a long-term project of critical editions of the writings on Natural Philosophy by the Arabic philosopher Averroes (Ibn Rušd, 1126–1198) and his immediate predecessor Avempace (Ibn Bāǧǧa, ca. 1070–1139): “Averroes (Ibn Rushd) and the Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin Reception of Aristotle’s Philosophy of Nature.” The project will produce a total of 18 critical editions of the preserved Arabic original texts and their medieval Hebrew and Latin translations, which will be published both in print and as digital editions.

The Project is hosted by the Thomas-Institute at the University of Cologne. Launched in 2016, the project is scheduled to run for 25 years, and has received funding for the entire period of its duration from the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts. It is supervised Prof. Dr. Andreas Speer and Prof. Dr. David Wirmer, and carried out by three editors and one digital humanist.

We now welcome applications for a

- 3-year PhD position in Arabic Philosophy or a related area (part-time, 65%), expected to commence on September 1, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The holder of the position will divide his/her time between collaborating on the “Averroes Edition” and preparing his/her PhD thesis. In particular, he/she will collaborate on the ongoing edition of Ibn Bāǧǧa’s commentary on Aristotle’s Physics and support the editors by producing, proofreading and correcting manuscript transcriptions.
The PhD project does not necessarily have to be linked closely to the research interests of the “Averroes Edition;” however, applications from this field will be considered with preference. If appropriate, the directors of the “Averroes Edition” can act as PhD supervisors.
- The monthly allowance is of ca. € 2380 (German pay scale 65% TV-L E13), liable to deductions for tax, social security benefits and retirement provisions.
- Qualifications and skills: applicants must hold a Master or an equivalent degree in an area relevant to the project, have an excellent knowledge of Arabic, and a good command of English (the primary language of publication of the project). Knowledge of Greek and/or Hebrew and/or Latin is an asset, but no prerequisite.
- Applications should be sent in English, French, German or Italian by email before June 30, 2019 to Applications should include a complete CV (with a list of publications where applicable); an outline (1-3 pages) of the PhD project; and two letters of recommendation by academic referees. The letters of recommendation must be sent directly by the referees, either by email or by post (Prof. Dr. David Wirmer, Thomas-Institut, Universität zu Köln, Universitätsstraße 22, 50923 Köln).

Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged.

The outcome of all applications will be notified by email as soon as a decision is made. Short-listed applicants will be invited to an on-campus, phone or Skype interview.

Information on the Project, including the Project Outline, can be found on the website

For further enquiries, please contact

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Country Event
Working languages
English, French, German, Italian