0,75 Research Associate (PhD) "Jewish Studies" (Univ. Hamburg)

0,75 Research Associate (PhD) "Jewish Studies" (Univ. Hamburg)

Universität Hamburg
Place of work
From - Until
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020
Patrick B. Koch

Faculty/Department: Humanities / Faculty of Philosophy
Seminar/Institute: Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion

The University of Hamburg invites applications for a Research Associate for the project “Jewish Moralistic Writings (Musar) of the Early Modern Period:1600-1800” in accordance with Section 28 subsection 3 of the Hamburg higher education act (Hamburgisches Hochschulgesetz, HmbHG). The term is fixed for a period of 12 months. Pending approval of the project's second funding period, the contract may be renewed for an additional 24 months. The position commences on January 01, 2020. It is remunerated at the salary level TV-L 13 and calls for 29,25 work hours per week (75%).

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Specific Duties:
The PhD candidate will be a member of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group “Jewish Moralistic Writings of the Early Modern Period: 1600–1800” funded by the German Research Foundation. The group’s objective is to map the dissemination of literary expressions that convey moralistic ideals (musar) in the Early Modern world, to distinguish between various types of musar, to detect continuities and changes, and to investigate to what extent the diversity of musar has been shaped by different linguistic and socio-historical contexts.
The successful applicant will pursue an individual research project on a topic related to the project’s thematic focus.

A university degree in a relevant field. Graduate students with an M.A. degree in a relevant field, who focus on the study of pietism, morality, ethics, or spiritual edification, and that have a background in Jewish history, Jewish thought, Jewish ethics, Kabbalah, Hasidism, Sephardic Studies, Yiddish, the History of the Hebrew Book, or other disciplines that are engaged in the aims and objectives of the research project, and who have a keen interest in current theoretical trends in the humanities and social sciences (textual criticism, gender, the study of emotions etc.), as well as interdisciplinary and comparative approaches, are strongly encouraged to apply. A focus on early modernity is desirable, but projects that deal primarily with ancient, medieval, or modern materials, or those dealing with the reception history of musar, are also most welcome. The successful candidate will have a good knowledge of English and an additional language relevant for the intended individual research project. The candidate will work closely with our vibrant team of emerging scholars. Please note that postdoc applications cannot be considered.
The University aims to increase the number of women in research and teaching and explicitly encourages qualified women to apply. Equally qualified female applicants will receive preference in accordance with the Hamburg act on gender equality (Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz, HmbGleiG).
Qualified disabled candidates or applicants with equivalent status receive preference in the application process.

For further information, please contact Patrick B. Koch (patrick.benjamin.koch@uni-hamburg.de) or consult our website at https://www.philosophie.uni-hamburg.de/en/jewish-philosophy/forschung/emmy-noether.html.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificate(s), a research proposal (no longer than three pages) that outlines the intended research project and its relevance for the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group, as well as two letters of recommendation (to be sent directly to Patrick B. Koch, see contact below). Please send applications by October 27, 2019 to: patrick.benjamin.koch@uni-hamburg.de.

Please do not submit original documents as we are not able to return them. Any documents sub-mitted will be destroyed after the application process has concluded.

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Working languages
English, German