3 postdoctoral positions "Slave testimonies in 19th century North Africa-Italy-Spain and France" (ERC/Sciences Po Paris)

3 postdoctoral positions "Slave testimonies in 19th century North Africa-Italy-Spain and France" (ERC/Sciences Po Paris)

Centre for History at Sciences Po (Paris)
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Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists

The Centre for History at Sciences Po (Paris) recruits three postdoctoral fellows in the history of modern North Africa and the Mediterranean, with an interest in the history of the end of slavery in Morocco, Italy, Spain and France from the mid-18th century to the 1930s.

These positions are opened as part of the project SLAVEVOICES, funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and supervised by Prof. M’hamed Oualdi. SLAVEVOICES aims at renewing our approach to the end of slavery in the Maghreb by collecting and studying the testimonies of North African, West African and European slaves and their descendants written in Arabic, Ottoman Turkish and other European and African languages from the mid-18th century to the 1930s.

1. One postdoctoral fellow will be in charge of finding, collecting and studying slave testimonies and ego-documents conceived by Italian slaves in North Africa, North African slaves in Italy, West African and East African slaves in colonial Libya for a 12-month period (renewable a second year).

2. Another postdoctoral fellow will be in charge of finding, collecting and studying slave testimonies and ego-documents conceived by Moroccan slaves in Europe and slaves of Africa, European and Asian backgrounds in Morocco from the mid-18th century until the 1940s for a 12-month period (renewable a second year).

3. A third postdoctoral fellow will be in charge of finding, collecting and studying slave testimonies and ego-documents held in Spanish and French archives from the 1750s to the 1930s, for a 12-month period.

The interested candidates are invited to send a .pdf file to slavevoices.erc@sciencespo.fr before April 15, 2020, and that would include:

- a letter of application (no more than 2 pages) explaining your qualifications and motivation for the project and the added value that you are expected to bring to the project;

- a curriculum vitae with a list of education, positions, teaching experience, administrative experience, other qualifying activities and a list of publications;

- scanned copies of relevant diplomas and certificates;

- a final report on your dissertation if already defended ;

- representative sections of your dissertation (introduction, conclusion and two chapters) and a writing sample that is relevant to the ERC project;

- contact information (email addresses, number phones) for two academic references (including your supervisor or former supervisor).

The successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in hand or will have defended their dissertations before September 2020.

The short-listed candidates will be interviewed by the beginning of May 2020.

For further details, please, do check: http://chsp.sciences-po.fr/actualite/sciences-pocenter-history-3-postdoctoral-recruitments-erc-slavevoices?_ga=2.28636220.1292267878.1584978558-566698779.1535632322

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