3 Wiss. Mitarb. "The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition" (Univ. Zürich)

open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (iii)

Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Place of work
Funded by
ERC CoG 864309
Place of work
From - Until
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025

open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (ii)

Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Place of work
Funded by
ERC CoG 864309
Place of work
From - Until
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025

open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (i)

Universität Zürich (Zürich)
Place of work
Funded by
ERC CoG 864309
Place of work
From - Until
01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025
Benjamin Straumann, Historisches Seminar, Universität Zürich

One of the most innovative and historically most influential notions in the Western debate about justice is the political theory of Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC). Writing in the context of the crisis and downfall of the Roman Republic in the mid-first century BC, Cicero developed his conception of justice in direct response to the breakdown of political order surrounding him.

open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (iii)

The successful candidate will be assigned the subproject Valladolid, Alberico Gentili's Wars of the Romans (1599) and the Emergence of Intenational Justice, which is linked to subproject (iii) and designed to trace, from the vantage point of Alberico Gentili's Wars of the Romans (1599) and other early modern political thinkers, the Ciceronian legacy in the forming of the law of nations in early modern Europe. One of the key early modern texts on the moral and legal conditions of international law, Gentili's Wars of the Romans shall primarily be investigated in the context of the famous Valladolid dispute concerning the justice of Spain's imperial possessions, of Machiavellian raison d'état theories, and of emerging natural-law doctrines which came to provide the foundations of nascent international legal thought. At the end of the appointment, the successful candidate shall publish his research findings as a monograph, which may be submitted as a doctoral or postdoctoral thesis; in addition, she or he is expected to publish regularly in peer-reviewed journals; further responsibilities involve the participation in the regular meetings of the research team, attending research-related conferences in Zurich and abroad and helping to organize the project's conferences and symposia.
Applicants must hold a Master's or Doctor's degree in History, Classics, Philosophy or Political Science, should specialize in early modern intellectual history and the reception of classical antiquity, and have a keen interest in international law. Excellent command of written and spoken English as well as good knowledge of Latin are imperative.

Contact (announcement)



open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (ii)

The successful candidate will be assigned the subproject Ciceronian Justice in Lactantius' and Augustine's Political Thought, which is linked to subproject (ii). The subproject will primarily be concerned with the question as to how Cicero's conception of justice could exert such a long-lasting influence on Western political thought, given that for centuries its most important intermediaries had been two early Christian authors who were not prepared to acknowledge the possibility of "pagan" justice in the first place. Research shall accordingly focus on the somewhat twisted way Lactantius and Augustinus handed down Cicero's views on justice in general and their treatment of the Carneadean debate in particular. At the end of the appointment, the successful candidate shall publish his research findings as a monograph, which may be submitted as a doctoral or postdoctoral thesis; in addition, she or he is expected to publish regularly in peer-reviewed journals; further responsibilities involve the participation in the regular meetings of the research team, attending research-related conferences in Zurich and abroad and helping to organize the project's conferences and symposia.

Applicants must hold a Master's or Doctor's degree in History, Classics, Philosophy or Political Science, with a specialization in late antiquity and intellectual history. Excellent command of written and spoken English as well as good knowledge of Latin are imperative; basic Greek reading comprehension would be an asset.

Contact (announcement)



open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (i)

The successful candidate will be assigned the subproject Justice and Skepticism: Cicero's Roman Theory of Justice and the Carneadean Debate, which is linked to subproject (i) and designed to examine Cicero's notion of justice as elaborated in the Republic, the Laws and On Duties, as well as in some of the speeches. Research topics that shall be addressed include an accurate determination of the ways in which Cicero's conception of justice differs from, and may be at odds with, the ones of his Greek predecessors; an account of the specifically legal nature of Ciceronian justice; and an assessment of the extent to which Cicero's views on what constitutes a just commonwealth were shaped by his experience of the breakdown of political order during the ongoing crisis of the late Roman republic. At the end of the appointment, the successful candidate shall publish his/her research findings as a monograph, which may be submitted as a doctoral or postdoctoral thesis; in addition, she or he is expected to publish regularly in peer-reviewed journals; further responsibilities involve the participation in the regular meetings of the research team, attending research-related conferences in Zurich and abroad and helping to organize the project's conferences and symposia.

Applicants must hold a Master's or Doctor's degree in History, Classics, Philosophy or Political Science, and should have expertise in ancient philosophy and an interest Roman law. Excellent command of written and spoken English as well as good knowledge of Latin are imperative; Greek reading comprehension is an asset.

Contact (announcement)


Editors Information
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Regional Classification
Additional Informations
open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (iii)
Country Event
Working languages
English, German
open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (ii)
Country Event
Working languages
English, German
open rank research position (doc/postdoc) (i)
Country Event
Working languages
English, German