1 PhD Position, SFI-IRC Pathway Scholarship (Trinity College Dublin)

1 PhD Position, SFI-IRC Pathway Scholarship (Trinity College Dublin)

Dept. of History, Trinity College Dublin
Funded by
SFI-IRC Pathway Programme
From - Until
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026
Nicole Volmering, Dept. of History, Trinity College Dublin

1 PhD Position, SFI-IRC Pathway Scholarship (Trinity College Dublin)

4-year funded PhD position to work on early Irish manuscripts.

SFI-IRC Promotionsstipendium "Early Irish Hands" (Trinity College Dublin)

4-jähriges Promotionsstipendium zum Thema frühe irische Manuskripte.

1 PhD Position, SFI-IRC Pathway Scholarship (Trinity College Dublin)

The Department of History, School of Histories and Humanities, is pleased to advertise a PhD scholarship to join Dr Nicole Volmering on her SFI-IRC Pathway Programme project ‘Early Irish Hands: The Development of Writing in Early Ireland’ from September 2022.

The project studies early Irish palaeography and writing techniques based on manuscripts from the earliest stratum of Irish writing (550-900). It aims at contributing to a better understanding of the writing techniques used in early Irish scriptoria and to enable more accurate dating of early manuscripts through an improved understanding of variations in Irish script. In addition, it lays the groundwork for research into Irish-Continental script.

The PhD student will be working on Strand 3 of the project, which involves a case study of the use of Irish script on the continent based on a group of manuscripts from Reichenau. The aim of this Strand is to study the ranges and types of variation in script and writing techniques in the manuscripts selected.

The award provides a unique opportunity to engage in frontier research on manuscript studies carried out at Trinity College Dublin. The successful candidate will be enrolled in the Structured 4-year PhD Programme in the Department of History. The Award consists of a stipend of €18,500 annually plus a travel budget and a €5,750 contribution towards fees.

Application details are availabe on the School website/PDF.

Contact (announcement)

For more information or questions about the position email Dr Nicole Volmering at volmern@tcd.ie

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