Waterloo Centre for German Studies Book Prize 2023

WCGS Book Prize 2023

Waterloo Centre for German Studies
N2L 3G1
Misty Matthews-Roper

The Waterloo Centre for German Studies is now accepting nominations for our 2023 Book Prize.

WCGS Book Prize 2023

To recognize outstanding research by emerging scholars, the Waterloo Centre for German Studies has instituted an annual book prize. Any scholarly monograph by a first-time author that contributes to our understanding of any aspect of the German-speaking world and was published in English anywhere (or in French by a Canadian-based publisher) in 2023 is eligible. The winner will receive CAD $3,000 and an invitation to give a presentation on their work.

To be eligible, nominations must meet the following criteria:
- The first non-fiction scholarly monograph by an author will be considered. Co-authored books are eligible for this award (at least 50% of the authors must be first-time authors). Edited anthologies are not eligible.
- Nominated books must have a copyright notice indicating 2023 as the year of publication.
- Language of publication: The book must be either (1) primarily in English (published anywhere) or (2) primarily in French (published in Canada). Translations are permitted; the original work may have been published prior to the competition year, but it must still be the debut monograph of the scholar in question.

You will find full details about the WCGS Book Prize on our website. If you have any questions, please reach out (contact details below).

Thank you for your time and we look forward to receiving your nominations.

All the best,
Waterloo Centre for German Studies

Contact (announcement)

Misty Matthews-Roper (she/her)
Administrative Assistant

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