30 Doctoral stipends Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” (CAU Kiel)

30 Doctoral stipends Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” (CAU Kiel)

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Graduiertenschule "Human Development in Landscapes"

Kiel offers a unique research environment at the interface between Humanities and Natural and Social Sciences with the presence of a Graduate School in the field of “Human Development in Landscapes” and two Excellence Clusters: “Future Ocean” and “Inflammation at Interfaces”, all three funded by the German Excellence Initiative. The Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” www.uni-kiel.de/landscapes) at the Christian Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, invites applications for

30 Doctoral stipends for outstanding young researchers

Grants of 1200 Euro per month will be provided for two years with the option of extension for a third year. Eligible candidates must hold an outstanding university degree in a field relevant to the multidisciplinary theme of “Human Development in Landscapes”. The graduate programme is jointly offered by scholars of Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Social and Life Sciences. Excellent infrastructure at Kiel University allows the realization of innovative research ideas. An interdisciplinary orientation of PhD projects under the themes “Society and Reflection”, “Social Space and Landscape”, “Mobility, Innovation and Change” is encouraged, and supervision will be provided at an interfaculty level. Candidates are invited to submit proposals for PhD research projects addressing one of the following:

The general themes of the Graduate School: “Society and Reflection”, “Social Space and Landscapes”, “Mobility, Innovation and Change” (10 open stipends), Please submit a proposal describing the research project (8 pages maximum).

The more specific themes: Identities, boundaries, conflicts, and mobilities in past societies | Past strategies of land-use management | Energy balances of past societies | Islands: Idendities, social space and landscape | Past settlement areas: Population; environment, perception | Landscape change: Human vs. natural processes (10 stipends). Please submit an outline of your intended research project no longer than 4 pages.

Specific research topics (10 stipends)
Cluster 1: “Society and reflection”: Landscape and space: A theoretical and methodological approach | Mountain People in the Ancient Near East: The Case of the Zagros.

Cluster 2. “Social Space and Landscape”: Impact of weather events on past societies (historical approach) | Society and Environment: Quantifying the archaeological record of past societies | Strategies of land-use management in medieval and early modern society.

Cluster 3. “Mobility, Innovation, and Change”: Cattle husbandry: Quantitative reconstructions of impact and mobility in past societies | Control mechanisms of settlement systems in Ancient Menorca | Cultural exposure to plagues in Antiquity and Middle Ages.

Please submit an outline of your intended research project no longer than 4 pages.

Applications including a curriculum vitae, copies of credentials, two letters of reference, and an outline of the proposed PhD research project in English should be submitted before January 7th 2010 to the coordinator of the Graduate School:

Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller
Institut für Ur-und Frühgeschichte
Christian–Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
D-24098 Kiel


Questions regarding this call for applications should be addressed to Dr. Mara Weinelt, Scientific Coordinator, Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes": mweinelt@gshdl.uni-kiel.de