2020-2021 Visiting Professorship "Polish Studies" (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

2020-2021 Visiting Professorship "Polish Studies" (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Ofer Dynes

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem invites applications for the Visiting Professorship in Polish History and Culture at the Faculty of Humanities. The area of specialization for the 2020-2021 round is: Modern Polish Literature and Culture.

- Semester-long appointment: Fall 2020 (October 2020 – January 2021) or Spring 2021 (March 2021-June 2020). Candidates should indicate their preference in their application.
- Honorarium of $2,400 + $250 (rental subsidy) per month, for four months.
- One round-trip economy class air ticket from Poland to Israel
Payment will be made in New Israeli Shekels, and may possibly be made in two installments, rather than monthly.

- PhD-holding Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor (or the Polish equivalent of these titles) in relevant fields
- Strong research record and active participation in the field
- Current appointment at a university or research institute in Poland.
- Commitment to teach in English one graduate seminar (2 academic hours per week) on a theme related to 20th Century Polish Literature and Culture. The topic of the seminar is at the discretion of the visiting scholar.
- Scholar commits to presenting at least one research presentation during the period of the appointment.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 5:00 PM (CET), March 16th, 2020
Evaluation of Applications: Applications will be evaluated by a faculty committee appointed by the Dean. The Committee will forward its recommendation to the Dean for consideration.
- Dean will make the final decision on appointment of professorship.
Preference will be given to applicants who have prior experience teaching in English.

Application Format:
All materials required for the application must be submitted in one PDF file, clearly labeled with the applicant's name.
The application file should be submitted electronically to Dr. Ofer Dynes (ofer.dynes@mail.huji.ac.il).

The application file should include the following materials:
1. Cover Letter with a statement by the applicant, outlining his or her area of expertise and discussing his or her research activity. This statement should also include candidate's proposal for a graduate seminar.
2. Current curriculum vitae.
3. Two sample syllabi (if in Polish – please append a one-paragraph course description in English).

For questions and additional information, please contact Dr. Ofer Dynes (ofer.dynes@mail.huji.ac.il)

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