MA- and PhD-studies "Assyriology, Egyptology, Classics, or Byzantine Studies" (Northeast Normal Univ., Changchun)

MA- and PhD-studies in Assyriology, Egyptology, Classics, or Byzantine Studies

Northeast Normal University (Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations)
Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations
From - Until
01.09.2024 -
Sven Günther, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Northeast Normal University

The Institute for History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC) at Northeast Normal University, Changchun (China) invites applications for its MA- and PhD-study programs from September 2024 onwards. IHAC & NENU will help selected candidates to apply for scholarships for funding their studies.

MA- and PhD-studies in Assyriology, Egyptology, Classics, or Byzantine Studies

The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC) at Northeast Normal University invites expressions of interests and applications for its MA- and PhD-studies in the fields of Assyriology, Egyptology, Classics, and Byzantine Studies, starting from September 2024 onwards. We will support selected candidates in applying funding through scholarships such as from the Chinese Scholarship Council. Please contact Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, IHAC, NENU through the email-address given below.

I. Educational Objectives

In line with the comprehensive development of education in China, the status of ancient world history as a subject has become increasingly prominent in recent years. Based on the characteristics of the discipline itself and the current situation of academic research, the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC) of Northeast Normal University adheres to the academic tradition of cultivating students with an international perspective and the ability to master one or two ancient languages. Through our master's degree, graduate students will acquire mastery of ancient texts in their main discipline, familiarize themselves with the history and culture of relevant regions, learn to apply relevant academic theories and research methods, and be able to complete an independent research dissertation based on what they have learned. The master’s program also serves as a preparation for further study or independent specialized research at doctoral level.

II. Research Fields and Subjects

1. Assyriology
2. Hittitology
3. Egyptology
4. Western Classical Studies (Ancient Greek / Ancient Latin)
5. Byzantine Studies

III. History

The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC) is a research institute for the study of ancient history, ancient languages, and archaeology. Founded in 1984 by Chinese professor Lin Zhichun (Northeast Normal University) in cooperation with Zhou Gucheng (Fudan University) and Wu Yujin (Wuhan University), IHAC was the first Chinese institute to establish chairs and academic research positions for Assyriology, Egyptology, Hittitology, and (Western) Classics. Since its inception IHAC has substantially contributed to the development of these fields in China and abroad.

IHAC's inspiring academic atmosphere is due to the unique combination of its mainly Chinese faculty and staff, highly motivated students, and annually renewable research and teaching positions for foreign visiting professors. Besides long-term visiting professors, IHAC regularly invites scholars from around the world to give lectures, contribute to workshops as well as conferences, and conduct research in the well-stocked library. IHAC offers degree programs for both Chinese and International students (MA and PhD) during which our students acquire an effective understanding of one or two ancient languages alongside studying the history and culture of their respective field. In addition, all students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge of academic English and other modern languages (e.g., German, French, or Italian).

Since 1986, the IHAC publishes the Journal of Ancient Civilizations (JAC). JAC, which is double-blind peer-reviewed and listed in important citation indices, provides a forum for the discussion of various aspects of the cultural and historical processes in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean world, encompassing studies of individual civilizations as well as common elements, contacts and interactions among them.

IV. Unique Program Features

1. All courses are taught in Chinese and/or English.
2. IHAC brings together the disciplines of Classics/Classical Studies, Egyptology, Assyriology, Byzantine Studies, and the study of other ancient civilizations. This combination is unique both in China and abroad.
3. A well-designed curriculum for the specialization, with the first year focusing on basic language studies, respectively Latin, Greek, hieroglyphs, cuneiform, etc., the second year on literature reading, and the third year on specialized research.
4. IHAC currently has six foreign professors,and one foreign full professor, thus creating a strong international atmosphere.

Contact (announcement)

Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, IHAC, NENU: svenguenther(at)
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