MA "World Arts" (Univ. Bern)

University of Bern/Switzerland, Center for Cultural Studies
Sarah Ross

World Arts
A new Master’s degree Program at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Since autumn 2009, the University of Bern, Switzerland, offers a new master’s degree program in World Arts. The new program promotes an integrated investigation of various artistic media and modalities (such as visual, musical, performing, and literary arts) from multiple cultures within a framework of cultural studies. Within this context, students will receive grounding in theoretical and methodological courses with narrower focuses in disciplinary courses offered by the departments associated with the Center for Cultural Studies at Bern University.
A master’s degree (MA) in World Arts enables students to proceed with further academic studies in any of the associated disciplines. Furthermore, students can pursue a career in non-academic fields such as art and music therapy, cultural journalism and management, museum management or intercultural mediation.

The program in World Arts invites students with a Bachelor’s degree in Art History, Musicology/Ethnomusicology, Theatre Studies or in another discipline with a demonstrated interest in arts.