M.A. and Ph.D. programme "International History", Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

M.A. and Ph.D. programme "International History", Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva
Url (PDF/Website)
Gilbert, Benedicte

The History Department of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland) teaches and researches the contemporary world through its layered histories and from a multiplicity of perspectives. We study history before, between and beyond the nations, thereby encouraging historically informed approaches to current policy, politics, economics and culture.

The History Department of the Graduate Institute offers Postgraduate programmes in International History (Master and PhD) in the heart of international Geneva.

The Master in International History is a rigorous two-year degree exploring various dimensions of international history and historiography. It provides students with up-to-date critical, analytical and methodological tools and encourages historically informed approaches to current policy, politics, economics and culture.

The PhD in International History is a four-year programme equipping students with the analytical, conceptual and methodological tools to complete successfully a piece of original book-length research. A small number of required courses orient students before they are permitted to move on to the research component.

Courses, seminars and research projects in the Department cluster around the intersecting themes of international relations, institutions and movements; global/world and transnational history; history and policy; the history of ideas; the Global South and postcoloniality; and the histories of individual regions – the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, East Asia and South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Key features
The Master in International History combines coursework, workshops, research and a thesis. It encourages direct contact, debates and exchange with faculty and fellow students. Compulsory courses introduce the aims, substance and criticisms of the various approaches to international, transnational and global/world history. Research training is focused on individual and collective work based on primary and secondary sources. Students take elective courses in anthropology and sociology, economics, international law and international relations taught in the departments concerned.

The PhD in International History combines coursework, seminars, a preliminary thesis and defence, and the doctoral thesis itself. The department admits a very limited number of students to this programme.
The programme encourages direct contact, debates and exchange with faculty and fellow-students. During their first year, students are required to take four courses: a doctoral seminar, taught by two different faculty members, and two semester-long courses in their area of interest. In the first semester of their second year, they prepare and defend a preliminary thesis, explaining their research project and methods. After successful completion of the preliminary thesis, students are left with five semesters to complete their research and writing (often outside Geneva), and submit and defend their doctoral thesis.

A significant number of scholarships are awarded each year to our students attending our Master and PhD's programmes. Allocation of scholarships is based on the evaluation of candidate's academic merit and financial need. Scholarships are awarded for one year, with the possibility of renewal.(http://graduateinstitute.ch/scholarships)

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