Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences 64 (2007), 3-4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences 64 (2007), 3-4
Weiterer Titel 

Basel 2007: Schwabe Verlag
2 Doppelhefte pro Jahr (Juni/Dezember)
Anzahl Seiten
168 S.
€ 47.50



Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences
Vincent Barras Institut universitaire d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé publique, 1, chemin des Falaises CH-1005 Lausanne Tel. 0041 21 314 70 51 Fax 0041 21 314 70 55 Verlag: Schwabe AG Verlag und Druckerei Steinentorstrasse 13 CH-4010 Basel Tel. 0041 61 278 95 65 Fax 0041 61 278 95 66
Scherer, Christina

Gesnerus 64 (2007) No 3/4



Kmar Ben Néfissa, Anne Marie Moulin et Koussay Dellagi: La rage en Tunisie au XIXe siècle: recrudescence ou émergence? [Rabies in Tunisia During the 19th Century: Case Increase or Disease Emergence?] 173

Laurent Cherlonneix: Recherches dur l’auto-initiation de la Mort cellulaire à la fin du XIXe siècle [Research on Self Initiation of Cell Death Towards the End of the 19th Century] 193

Rémy Amouroux: De l’entomologie à la psychanalyse [Through Entomology to Psychoanalysis] 219

Essay Review
Maike Christadler: Gewalt in der Frühen Neuzeit – Positionen der Forschung [Violence in the Early Modern Period: Current Status of Research] 231

Obituary 246

News and Activities 248

Book Reviews 252

Book Notes 323

Books Received 328

Contents of Vol. 64 (2007) 332