Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences 65 (2008), 3-4

Titel der Ausgabe 
Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences 65 (2008), 3-4
Weiterer Titel 

Basel 2008: Schwabe Verlag
2 Doppelhefte pro Jahr (Juni/Dezember)
Anzahl Seiten
160 S.
€ 47.50



Gesnerus. Swiss Journal of the History of Medicine and Sciences
Vincent Barras Institut universitaire d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé publique, 1, chemin des Falaises CH-1005 Lausanne Tel. 0041 21 314 70 51 Fax 0041 21 314 70 55 Verlag: Schwabe AG Verlag und Druckerei Steinentorstrasse 13 CH-4010 Basel Tel. 0041 61 278 95 65 Fax 0041 61 278 95 66
Scherer, Christina


Gesnerus 65 (2008) No 3/4


Dino Carpanetto: Scienziati e confini culturali. Termalismo in Savoia nell’opera di Joseph Daquin (1732–1815) [Savants and Cultural Boundaries. Thermalism in Savoy and the Work of Joseph Daquin (1732–1815)] (p. 157)

Anne Carol: Une sanglante audace: les amputations du col de l’utérus au début du XIXe siècle en France [A Bloody Boldness: Amputations of the Neck of the Womb at the Beginning of the 19th Century] (p. 176)

Caroline Arni: Menschen machen aus Akt und Substanz. Prokreation und Vaterschaft im reproduktionsmedizinischen und literarischen Experiment [Making Offspring from Act and Substance. Experimenting with Procreation and Paternity in Reproductive Medicine and Fiction] (p. 196)

Salvatore Bevilacqua: Le tarentisme et ses fictions ethnographiques: épistémologie d’une maladie de l’Autre [Tarentism and its Ethnographic Fictions: the Epistemology of the Other’s Disease] (p. 225)

Essay Review
Martin Dinges: Forschungen zu Arztpraxen (1500–1900) [Research on Surgeries (1500–1900)] (p. 249)

Book Reviews (p. 270)

Book Notes (p. 297)

Books Received (p. 303)

Contents of Vol. 65 (2008) (p. 309)