Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 124 (2013), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 124 (2013), 1
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Stuttgart 2013: Kohlhammer Verlag
jährlich in drei Heften
Anzahl Seiten
152 S.
€ 76,70



Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte Redaktion Prof. Johannes Helmrath Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften Unter den Linden 6 10099 Berlin
Helmrath, Johannes



Janis Witowski, Sexuelle Askese und die Rolle der Frau in der Geschichte des Templerordens
Seiten 1–16

Concerning its constitution as religious order the Order of the Temple followed the ideal of chastity. In use of prevention and penalty the Knights Templar tried to prevent sexual deviances. It is the Rule of the Templars which fixes these sanctions. The replication of the normative regulations within the statutes had to be understood as an effort to show the outside world the virtues of the confraternity and enhance their reputation. Although the Order of the Temple was a community ofmen women looked for an entrance into the ranks of the knights in hope of security, financial and spiritual care. The Knights Templar were forced to make a compromise: Women were allowed in the Order as conseurs, but not as full members. Different from the Knights Hospitaller and the Teutonic Order the Templars didn’t possess female convents.

Benjamin Hasselhorn, Religiöse Form. Das evangelische Kultusproblem und die Liturgische Bewegung der Zwischenkriegszeit Seiten
Seiten 17–38

Since a couple ofy ears religious form has been a current issue of ecclesiastical practice. However, except for Practical Theology there is no major response to this in academic theology. Aview to the debates on the protestant “Liturgische Bewegung” (liturgical movement) between the World Wars reveals that religious form has to satisfy aesthetical as well as theological criteria. This essay reconstructs these debates, especially those who dealt with church architecture and church service. It carves out the different positions – conservative and “radical” church building, the relation between sermon and Communion, the theological relevance of liturgy – and places them into their historical context. Thus it becomes clear that there exists a fundamental Protestant "Kultusproblem" (problem of cult). It also illustrates that the level of reflection of the 1920 and 1930 debates would be a worthwhile example for any further discussion.

Kritische Miszelle

Ludwig Schwab und Karl-Heinz Becker, Zwischen Sozialethik und Architekturkritik – Adolph Kolpings Einfluss auf August Reichensperger
Seiten 39–55

Anschriften und Vorankündigungen
Seite 56

Literarische Berichte und Anzeigen
Seiten 57–148

Eingegangene Bücher
Seite 149

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