Early Modern Low Countries 1 (2017), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Early Modern Low Countries 1 (2017), 1
Weiterer Titel 

Utrecht 2017: Uopen Journals
2 issues annually
Free of Charge (Open Access)



Early Modern Low Countries (EMLC)
Tiffany Bousard (editorial office): t.v.c.bousard@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Oddens, Joris

The very first issue of the multidisciplinary Open Access journal Early Modern Low Countries is now available online! Early Modern Low Countries is dedicated to the study of the history and culture of the Low Countries between 1500 and 1830. It is published by Uopen Journals (Utrecht University) and will appear twice a year.

We consider it as our mission to offer a home to state-of-the-art academic scholarship on any aspect of the early modern Low Countries and their overseas territories. If you want to stay informed about new issues or other developments please take a few moments to register (https://www.emlc-journal.org/register/).

Early Modern Low Countries is a peer-reviewed journal. Articles are refereed by internal and external experts with different disciplinary backgrounds. We will consider new contributions in the fields of history, literary studies, art history, and related areas of study. We also welcome suggestions for book reviews or notes. If you want to contribute to Early Modern Low Countries please visit our website.



Rederijkers, Kannenkijkers: Drinking and Drunkenness in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Low Countries
Anne-Laure Van Bruaene and Sarah Van Bouchaute

‘Before she ends up in a brothel’: Public Femininity and the First Actresses in England and the Low Countries
Martine van Elk

Trommius’s Travelogue: Learned Memories of Erasmus and Scaliger and Scholarly Identity in the Republic of Letters
Dirk van Miert

‘From reading to painting’: Authors and Audiences of Dutch Recipes for Preparatory Layers for Oil Painting
Maartje Stols-Witlox

Predicting the Bankruptcy of England: David Hume’s Political Discourses and the Dutch Debate on National Debt in the Eighteenth Century
Lina Weber

The Convention of The Hague and the Constitutional Debates in the Estates of Flanders and Brabant, 1790-1794
Klaas Van Gelder

Book reviews

Marie-Laure Legay, La souveraineté monétaire dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux, XVIe-XIXe siècle
Brecht Dewilde

Elizabeth McGrath et al., Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, part XI (1), Mythological Subjects. Achilles to The Graces
Eric Jan Sluijter

Benjamin van der Linde, Das Leibregiment der friesischen Statthalter. Kriegsgeschichte, Offizierslaufbahnen und militärische Lebenswelten in den Garnisonsstädten Leeuwarden, Groningen und Emden, 1666-1752
Erik Swart


Books received