Pražský sborník historický 44 (2016)

Pražský sborník historický 44 (2016)
Other title information 

Published on
Praha (Prag) 2016: Scriptorium
410 CZK



Organization name
Pražský sborník historický (The Prague Historical Review)
Czech Republic
Red. Pražský sborník historický / The Prague Historical Review Prague City Archives Archivní 6 CZ-149 00 Praha 4
Lohmann, Nina


Contents, abstracts, German summaries:

Reviews online:

Table of contents


Evelyn Reitz, Der Protestantismus rudolfinischer Künstler im Lichte der „Theutschenn Orthodoxischen gemein“ [The Protestantism of Rudolfine artists in light of the “German orthodox community”]

With Rudolf II’s Letter of Majesty of 9 July 1609, the Protestant community of Prague could openly practice their faith on the basis of the Confessio Bohemica. During this short interim until the Battle of White Mountain in 1620, the city’s Netherlander merchants, craftsmen, and artists joined together in a reform-oriented religious community. The community made its first mark on the city’s urban structure with the 1615 construction of the Church Sts. Simon and Judas in the Old Town. This study analyzes documentation relating to this community – which to date has been assessed in detail only in the Dutch dissertation by Nicolette Mout – in order to explore the religious beliefs, social context, and artistic activities of Rudolfine artists and artisans beyond the patronage of the Habsburg Emperor Rudolf II. Within the Protestant circles of the Bohemian nobility and among members of the Bohemian estates, the work of these artists begins to take on a new range of meanings and influences that stood in opposition to the emperor’s Catholicism and politics and consciously explored themes of Protestantism and the Estates’ political opposition.

Key words: Letter of Majesty 1609 – Rudolf II. – Rudolfine art – Rudolfine artists – Netherlanders – Protestantism – Reformed Church in Prague – Church of Sts. Simon and Jude – Bohemian estates – Bohemian Revolt – Battle of White Mountain

*Pavel Máša, Poslední věci vlastence. Smrt a pohřeb Františka
Palackého [The Four Last Things of a patriot. The death and funeral of František Palacký]*

The study looks at the death and funeral of František Palacký and the significance of these events on Czech society at the time, including the Czech public’s response to his death, preparations for his funeral, and the subsequent course of the funeral itself. The author also explores several ancillary events that accompanied the funeral, such as the activities of citizens’ associations or attempts at the funeral’s commercialization. Another studied factor is Czech public opinion regarding the funeral, i.e., which aspects it assessed positively and which were considered controversial. In addition, the study’s aim is to determine the extent to which Palacký’s death and funeral affected the national and political life of Czech society. Special attention is paid to the question of how the death of the Father of the Nation influenced the formation of Czech national identity, how Palacký’s death and funeral influenced the relationship between Czechs and Germans on the pages of the era’s newspapers, and what impact his death had on Czech political life. A central aim is to clarify the way in which Palacký’s legacy was used by various political entities.

Key words: Palacký – funeral – rituals – 19th century – national relations – the press – myths

Radka Stružková, Odpady v 19. století v Praze [Waste in 19th-century Prague]

The study looks at waste and waste management in Prague in the 19th century. Its theoretical starting point is the concept of “urban metabolism,” of which waste (being the city’s metabolic byproduct) is an integral part. By using Prague as an example, the study aims to verify the thesis that the 19th century, paradoxically, was not a century of waste. At a time of ongoing industrialization and a lack of raw materials, there was an attempt to recycle every potentially reusable material. Based on the relevant literature and, above all, an analysis of archival records, the author traces the various steps in the waste management process of 19th-century Prague (cleaning the city, the collection and transport of waste, etc.), with a focus on the reuse of waste and its influence on the city’s interactions with its surroundings.

Key words: waste – waste management – Prague – the “long” 19th century – industrialization – interaction between the city and its surroundings – social and urban metabolism – environmental history


*Martin Musílek, Zlomek knihy vydání, v níž jsou jména Židů.
„Nově objevený“ rukopisný zlomek kupeckého rejstříku a jeho
výpověď pro pražský obchod ve středověku [Fragment of a book of expenditures containing the names of Jews. The “newly discovered” manuscript fragment of a merchant’s book and what it tells us about trade in medieval Prague]*

The “newly discovered” manuscript fragment is today stored at the National Library in Prague under catalogue number XXIV A 5. Although it was not entirely unknown before, its brief catalogue entries labeled it merely as a “fragment of a book of expenditures containing the names of Jews”. It was roughly dated to the 14th century, with no determination of its provenience. Based on an analysis and comparison with other manuscript fragments of merchant books, it would appear to be a merchant’s register used by an Old Town merchant for just one particular transaction involving bed linens. This theory is further supported by the fact that it was no longer needed once the transaction had been concluded, and by the early 15th century it was used for the binding of another manuscript. The burgher in question either purchased the right to collect forfeited collateral of bed linens from Jewish creditors or directly purchased the uncollected collateral. In view of the amount purchased, this was apparently not a purchase for personal use, but in all likelihood for further resale. The monetary amounts indicate that it was not a small-scale merchant, but more likely a wealthy Old Town burgher. It might have been a shopkeeper or innkeeper, although we cannot rule out a supplier to the royal court. Based on the watermark and a paleographic analysis, the manuscript fragment can be dated to the period of 1394–1397. The newly discovered fragment is in many ways unique. For instance, it shows that merchants in Prague made written records even of ordinary everyday transactions whose size exceeded the possibilities of memory alone. It is also the oldest known record of Prague’s Jewish Town following the great pogrom of 1389. Either the renewal of the Prague community proceeded very quickly or the pogrom did not have as great an impact on Jewish settlement as the previous literature has thought.

Key words: Prague – Prague’s Old Town – business and trade – merchant books – merchant registers – manuscript fragment – Jews – Jewish Town – collateral – urban elites

Václav Ledvinka, Sixtové z Ottersdorfu a archivní rukopis č. 3565 (K připravované edici souboru pražských historických spisů ze 16. století) [The Sixts of Ottersdorf and archival manuscript no. 3565 (On the planned publication of a set of historical Prague documents from the 16th century)]

In the collection of manuscripts at the Prague City Archives is manuscript no. 3565, which includes transcriptions of two fundamental treatises on the history of Prague in the first half of the 16th century: Bartoš the Scribe’s chronicle of the political upheaval in Prague in 1524 and Sixt of Ottersdorf’s historical document on the Prague towns’ participation in the anti-Habsburg revolt in 1547 and the punishment inflicted after the rebellion’s defeat by King Ferdinand I, who stripped the Prague towns and the urban estate of their economic, political, and military power as well as their ability to influence politics in Bohemia and the rest of the state. The manuscript (or at least part of it) was created by Czech religious exiles who had settled in the Saxon town of Pirna after 1620. Among them was the family of Jan Theodor Sixt of Ottersdorf, the son of the author of the document on the 1547 revolt. The article summarizes previous research and presents several new details regarding the religious affiliation and public activities of members of the Sixt family in Prague, their exile after 1627, and the circumstances under which the set of historical writings was created. It also looks at the structure of the manuscript’s content and its formal characteristics, as identified during preparations for its critical edition.

Key words: Prague – Prague’s Old Town – city administration – Perno (Pirna) – 1547 Bohemian revolt – Unity of Brethren – re-Catholicization – religious emigration and exile – historical documents – town chronicles

Pavla Jirková, „Pest Tyrannei“ v královském rezidenčním městě Praze. Svědectví úředních a osobních dokumentů o morovém roce 1680 [“Pest Tyrannei” in the royal residential town of Prague. Official and personal documents on the plague year of 1680]

The study adds additional information to earlier studies of the 1680 plague epidemic in Prague, in particular lesser-known facts and contexts. The author looked at official as well as personal documents containing qualitative and quantitative information on the circumstances of the infection. Among the most important preventative measures taken in Prague starting in the autumn of 1679 was the publication of a list of rules regarding infectious diseases (Prager Infektionsordnung) on 3 October 1679. The author further mentions several contexts related to the attempt by city officials to relocate Prague’s Jewish community to the village of Libeň. Subsequently, the article looks at Emperor Leopold I’s presence at Prague Castle, where he and his entourage had fled from plague- ravaged Vienna. To this end, the author has used various types of sources stored in the National Archives, the Prague City Archives, and the Austrian State Archives. Another source was the observations contained in the diary of J. E. Passer, an emissary from Darmstadt. Attention is also paid to the hospital in Košíře. Information on its practical operations comes from the memoirs of the hospital’s head physician, P. R. Redlich (Spiegel Deß Prägerischen Elends). Furthermore, the article looks at the mortality rates in Prague during the epidemic. The quantitative data in this context stems from the document Extractus mortuorum… contained in the National Archives’ Collections of the Prague Archbishopric.

Key words: plague epidemic – mortality – historical demography – Prager Infektionsordnung – hospital – Jewish population – Leopold I – Prague – Vienna – Libeň – 1680


Markéta Růčková et al., Třicet pět konferencí Archivu hlavního
města Prahy slovem i obrazem (1984–2016) [35 conferences of the Prague City Archives in words and pictures (1984–2016)]

Jan Schwaller, Zpráva o činnosti Kroužku pro dějiny raného
novověku od listopadu roku 2009 do prosince roku 2016 [Report on the activities of the Club for the History of the Early Modern Era from November 2009 to December 2016]

Zlata Brátková, Sbírka dokumentace k období Pražského povstání a okupace v Archivu hlavního města Prahy [The collection of documents on the period of the Prague Uprising and the German occupation in the Prague City Archives]


Recensiones complexivae

David Gans, Josef Jekutiel Kofman a ostatní Pražané: Pragensiální judaica posledních pěti let [David Gans, Josef Jekutiel Kofman, and other Praguers: Prague Judaica of the past five years] (Jiří Pešek)

Třikrát edice Praha [On three books of the “Praha” edition] (Jiří Pešek)

Město a chudoba – aktuální téma německé historiografie [The city and poverty – a current topic of German historiography] (Olga Fejtová)


Jeho Praha. Výbor statí Jiřího Peška k dějinám Prahy. Vydáno k životnímu jubileu autora [His Prague. A Selection of Writings by Jiří Pešek on the History of Prague. Published on the Occasion of the Author’s 60th Birthday] (Ludmila Sulitková)

Barbora Lašťovková, Pražské usedlosti [Prague Homesteads] (Martin Omelka)

Jan Hus v památkách Prahy [Jan Hus in Prague’s Monuments], (eds.) Josef Hájek – Jan Baláček (Thomas Krzenck)

Liber inquilinorum Nového Města pražského 1585/86 [The Liber Inquilinorum of Prague’s New Town 1585/86], (ed.) Jaroslava Mendelová (Olga Fejtová)

Michal Šroněk, De sacris imaginibus. Patroni, malíři a obrazy předbělohorské Prahy [De sacris imaginibus. Patrons, Painters, and Paintings in Pre-White Mountain Prague] (Tomáš Sekyrka)

Jan Pařez – Hedvika Kuchařová, The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629–1786 (Ivana Čornejová)

Metamorfózy politiky. Pražské pomníky 19. století [Political Metamorphoses. Prague Monuments of the 19th Century], (eds.) Kateřina Kuthanová – Hana Svatošová (Blanka Altová)

Filip Bláha, Frauenkörper im Fokus: Wahrnehmung zwischen Straße und Turnplatz in Prag und Dresden vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg (Tomáš Jelínek)

Minerva 1890–1936: Kronika prvního dívčího gymnázia v habsburské monarchii [Minerva 1890–1936: A Chronicle of the First Girls’ Grammar School in the Habsburg Monarchy], (ed.) Milada Sekyrková (Zora Damová)

Petr Roubal, Československé spartakiády [Czechoslovak Spartakiads] (Tomáš Jelínek)

Pavlína Morganová, Procházka akční Prahou. Akce, performance, happeningy 1949–1989 [A Walking Tour of Prague Action Art. Actions, Performance Art, Happenings 1949–1989] (Jiří Pešek)

Marie Klimešová – Jan Rous, Jiří Balcar (Jiří Pešek)

Jitka Vondrová, Reforma? Revoluce? Pražské jaro 1968 a Praha [Reform? Revolution? The Prague Spring 1968 and Prague] (Václav Ledvinka)


Hana Jordánková – Ludmila Sulitková, Bibliografie k moravským královským městům ve středověku a raném novověku (1990–2010) [A Bibliography of Moravian Royal Towns in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era (1990–2010)] (Markéta Růčková)

Brno očima Mileny Flodrové: výběr článků a studií z let 1964–2006 [Brno Through the Eyes of Milena Flodrová. A Selection of Articles from 1964–2006], (ed.) Hana Jordánková (Irena Loskotová)

Susanne Rau, Räume der Stadt. Eine Geschichte Lyons 1300–1800 (Olga Fejtová)

Město v převratech konfesionalizace v 15. až 18. století [The Town in the Upheaval of Confessionalisation between the Fifteenth Century and Eighteenth Century], (eds.) Olga Fejtová – Václav Ledvinka – Jiří Pešek (Zdeněk R. Nešpor)

Guillebert de Mets, Description de la ville de Paris 1434 (František Šmahel)

Breslau und Krakau im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter. Stadtgestalt – Wohnraum – Lebensstil, (ed.) Eduard Mühle (Martin Nodl)

Marcin Starzyński, Das mittelalterliche Krakau. Der Stadtrat im Herrschaftsgefüge der polnischen Metropole (Martin Nodl)

Harm von Seggern, Quellenkunde als Methode. Zum Aussagewert der Lübecker Niederstadtbücher des 15. Jahrhunderts (Hana Pátková)

Helmut Bräuer, Im Dienste des Rates. Ordnung und Machtrealisierung durch Ratsbedienstete in einigen Städten Obersachsens und der Lausitz zwischen 1500 und 1800 (Marek Ďurčanský)

Blanka Szeghyová, Súdnictvo a súdna prax v mestách Pentapolitany v 16. storočí [Courts and Judicial Practice in the Towns of the Pentapolitana in the 16th Century] (Petr Kreuz)

Jana Vojtíšková – Vít Šebesta, (Králové)hradecké městské kanceláře do roku 1620 [The Town Offices of Hradec (Králové) before 1620] (Michaela Hrubá)

Jan Dvořák, Vrchnostenské město v raném novověku: vztahy k vrchnosti a venkovskému zázemí na příkladu Svitav v 17. století [The Seigneurial Town in the Early Modern Era: Relations with the Local Lord and the Rural Countryside. The Example of Svitavy in the 17th Century] (Marek Ďurčanský)

Hexenverfolgung. Vier Vorträge zur Erinnerung an Helena Curtens und Agnes Olmans aus Gerresheim, (ed.) Benedikt Mauer (Petr Kreuz)

„Arisierung“ und „Wiedergutmachung“ in deutschen Städten, (Hrsg.) Christiane Fritsche – Johannes Paulmann (Nina Lohmann)

Kimberly Elman Zarecorová, Utváření socialistické modernosti. Bydlení v Československu v letech 1945–1960 [Manufacturing a Socialist Modernity. Housing in Czechoslovakia in 1945–1960] (Ondřej Hojda)

Oliver Rathkolb – Peter Autengruber – Birgit Nemec – Florian Wenninger, Forschungsprojektendbericht Straßennamen Wiens seit 1860 als „Politische Erinnerungsorte“ (Nina Lohmann)

Varia historica

Falk Wiesemann (in cooperation with Emile Schrijver), The Esther Scroll = Die Estherrolle = Le rouleau d’Esther (Jiří Pešek)

Jan Šimek, Historie školních budov. Od tereziánských reforem po současnost [The History of School Buildings. From the Theresian Reforms to the Present Day] (Jan Schwaller)

Volker Mohn, NS-Kulturpolitik im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren. Konzepte, Praktiken, Reaktionen (Anita Pelánová)

Návraty. Poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy [Returns. The Postwar Reconstruction of Jewish Communities in Central-East, South-East and Eastern Europe], (eds.) Kateřina Králová – Hana Kubátová (Sára Wienerová)

Jonathan Bolton, Světy disentu. Charta 77, Plastic People of the Universe a česká kultura za komunismu [Worlds of Dissent. Charter 77, the Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism] (Barbora Pecková)

List of illustrations

List of authors