The English Historical Review 133 (2018), 564

The English Historical Review 133 (2018), 564
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Organization name
The English Historical Review
United Kingdom
ARTICLES EDITOR: Dr Martin Conway Balliol College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 3BJ UK BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Dr Catherine Holmes University College University of Oxford Oxford OX1 4BH UK ASSISTANT EDITOR Catherine Wright The English Historical Review Faculty of History The Old Boys' High School George Street Oxford OX1 2RL UK Oxford University Press Great Clarendon Street Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1865 556767 Fax: +44 (0)1865 267485
Wolff, Sarah

First published in January 1886, The English Historical Review (EHR) is the oldest journal of historical scholarship in the English-speaking world. It deals not only with British history, but also with almost all aspects of European and world history since the classical era: it covers the history of the Americas, including the foreign policy of the USA and her role in the wider world, but excludes the internal history of the USA since Independence, for which other scholarly outlets are plentiful. The EHR includes major Articles, ‘Notes and Documents’, and Debates on medieval and modern themes, as well as an unusually extensive range of Reviews and Shorter Notices of books published throughout the world. A summary of international periodical literature published in the previous twelve months is also provided.

Table of contents


The English Aristocracy and Mesne Feudalism in the Late Middle Ages
James Ross

How Protestant was the Elizabethan Regime?
Neil Younger

Corruption and Contractors in the Atlantic World, 1754–1763
Aaron Graham

From the Tuileries to Twickenham: The Orléans, Exile and Anglo-French Liberalism, c. 1848–1880
Tom Stammers

The Trial of Neville Heath, the Popular Press, and the Construction of the Memory of the Second World War in Britain, 1945–1946
Matthew Grant

Periodical Summaries

Notices of Periodicals and Occasional Publications mainly from 2017

Book Reviews

Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States, ed. Andrew Monson and Walter Scheidel
J Howard-Johnston

Flaying in the Pre-Modern World: Practice and Representation, ed. Larissa Tracy
Patricia Skinner

Longing for the Lost Caliphate: A Transregional History, by Mona Hassan
Hugh Kennedy

The Confucian-Legalist State: A New Theory, by Zhao Dingxin
Michael Nylan

Ecgfrith: King of the Northumbrians, High King of Britain, by N.J. Higham
Ben Snook

Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, British Museum Anglo-Saxon Coins. Part I: Early Anglo-Saxon Gold and Anglo-Saxon and Continental Silver Coinage of the North Sea Area, c.600–760 (Vol. 63), by Anna Gannon
Part II: Southern English Coinage from Offa to Alfred, c.760–880 (Vol. 67), by Rory Naismith
N Myrberg Burström

Textiles, Text, Intertext: Essays in Honour of Gale R. Owen-Crocker, ed. Maren Clegg Hyer and Jill Frederick
Wendy Toulson

Windows on Justice in Northern Iberia, 800–1000, by Wendy Davies
Robert Portass

The Almoravid and Almohad Empires, by Amira K. Bennison
Brian A Catlos

The Cult of St Thomas Becket in the Plantagenet World, c.1170–c.1220, ed. Paul Webster and Marie-Pierre Gelin
Nicholas Karn

The Reinvention of Magna Carta, 1216–1616, by John Baker
Paul Brand

Norman Charters from English Sources: Antiquaries, Archives and the Rediscovery of the Anglo-Norman Past, by Nicholas Vincent
Mark Hagger

The Church in Fourteenth-Century Iceland: The Formation of an Elite Clerical Identity, by Erika Sigurdson
K Salonen

Anglo-Gascon Aquitaine: Problems and Perspectives, ed. Guilhem Pépin
Michael Jones

Civic Community in Late Medieval Lincoln: Urban Society and Economy in the Age of the Black Death, 1289–1409, by Alan Kissane
L Crombie

The Politics of Culture in Quattrocento Europe: René of Anjou in Italy, by Oren Margolis
David Rundle

Studies on Florence and the Italian Renaissance in Honour of F.W. Kent, ed. Peter Howard and Cecilia Hewlett
Robert Black

Henry VII’s New Men and the Making of Tudor England, by Steven Gunn
J P D Cooper

Stato sabaudo e Sacro Romano Impero, ed. Marco Bellabarba and Andrea Merlotti
Toby Osborne

Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347–1600, by Nükhet Varlık
Palmira Brummett

Annals of Native America: How the Nahuas of Colonial Mexico Kept Their History Alive, by Camilla Townsend
Verónica A Gutiérrez

The Corporate Commonwealth: Pluralism and Political Fictions in England, 1516–1651, by Henry Turner
Mark Knights

Social Relations, Politics, and Power in Early Modern France: Robert Descimon and the Historian’s Craft, ed. Barbara B. Diefendorf
Penny Roberts

For God, King, and People: Forging Commonwealth Bonds in Renaissance Virginia, by Alexander B. Haskell
Carla Gardina Pestana

Love, Madness, and Scandal: The Life of Frances Coke Villiers, Viscountess Purbeck, by Johanna Luthman
Leonie James

Republicas y republicanismo en la Europa moderna (siglos XVI–XVIII), ed. Manuel Herrero Sanchez
Christopher Storrs

Virtuoso by Nature: The Scientific Worlds of Francis Willughby FRS (1635–1672), ed. Tim Birkhead
Michael Hunter

The Antiquary: John Aubrey’s Historical Scholarship, by Kelsey Jackson Williams
Jan Broadway

Secular Chains: Poetry and the Politics of Religion from Milton to Pope, by Philip Connell
Andrew Hadfield

The Social History of English Seamen, 1650–1815, ed. Cheryl A. Fury
E Wilson

Visions of Sodom: Religion, Homoerotic Desire, and the End of the World in England, c.1550–1850, by H.G. Cocks
Randolph Trumbach

Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment, ed. Steffen Ducheyne
Sarah Hutton

India Conquered: Britain’s Raj and the Chaos of Empire, by Jon Wilson
J Lally

The Heart of the Declaration: The Founders’ Case for an Activist Government, by Steve Pincus
P J Marshall

Liberty or Death: The French Revolution, by Peter McPhee
Mike Rapport

French Revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire: Diplomacy, Political Culture, and the Limiting of Universal Revolution, 1792–1798, by Pascal Firges
P M Jones

Europe’s Utopias of Peace: 1815, 1919, 1951, by Bo Stråth
Dina Gusejnova

Surviving Slavery in the British Caribbean, by Randy M. Browne
Henrice Altink

The Slaveholding Crisis: Fear of Insurrection and the Coming of the Civil War, by Carl Lawrence Paulus
Patrick J Doyle

Histories of Nationalism in Ireland and Germany: A Comparative Study from 1800 to 1932, by Shane Nagle
Róisín Healy

Edmund Burke and the Invention of Modern Conservatism, 1830–1914: An Intellectual History, by Emily Jones
James J Sack

The ‘Conspiracy’ of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle over Empire and Economic Globalization, 1846–1896, by Marc-William Palen
Andrew Priest

The Invisible Jewish Budapest: Metropolitan Culture at the Fin de Siècle, by Mary Gluck
James Koranyi

Churchill and the Dardanelles, by Christopher M. Bell
David G Morgan-Owen

Habsburg Post Mortem: Betrachtungen zum Weiterleben der Habsburgermonarchie, by Carlo Moos
A Körner

International Communism and the Cult of the Individual: Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs under Lenin and Stalin, by Kevin Morgan
Jay Bergman

Gentlemanly Terrorists: Political Violence and the Colonial State in India, 1919–1947, by Durba Ghosh
David Arnold

The Cry of the Renegade: Politics and Poetry in Interwar Chile, by Raymond B. Craib
Joanna Crow

The Chaco War: Environment, Ethnicity, and Nationalism, ed. Bridget María Chesterton
Eduardo Posada-Carbó

Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany, by Guenter Lewy
Paul Moore

Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust: French Railwaymen and the Second World War, by Ludivine Broch
Andrew W M Smith

Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Historian, ed. Blair Worden
Colin Haydon

US Presidential Elections and Foreign Policy: Candidates, Campaigns, and Global Politics from FDR to Bill Clinton, ed. Andrew Johnstone and Andrew Priest
Michael Cullinane

Remembering the Troubles: Contesting the Recent Past in Northern Ireland, ed. Jim Smyth
Oliver Rafferty S.J.

Roy Jenkins and the European Commission Presidency, 1976–1980: At the Heart of Europe, by Piers Ludlow
Denise Dunne

The History of Oxford University Press, Vol. IV: (1970–2004), ed. Keith Robbins
Elisabeth Leedham-Green

Kinship, Community, and Self: Essays in Honor of David Warren Sabean, ed. Jason Coy, Benjamin Marschke, Jared Poley and Claudia Verhoeven
W David Myers

War Stories: The Memoir in History and Literature, ed. Philip Dwyer
E Hanna

A History of Drink and the English, 1500–2000, by Paul Jennings
Mark Hailwood

Other Publications
Other Publications

Erratum to: The Russian Empire, 1450–1801, by Nancy Shields Kollman (Book Review)

Corrigendum to: Gender, Culture, and Politics in England 1560–1640: Turning the World Upside Down, by Susan D. Amussen and David E. Underdown (Book Review)