Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 11 (2019), 1

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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica 11 (2019), 1
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144 S.
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Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica
Czech Republic
Studia Mediaevalia Bohemica Centrum medievistických studií Jilska 1 110 00 Praha 1 Tschechische Republik
Zurek, Vaclav



Genealogie české středověké prózy o Jozefovi a Aseneth (The Genealogy of the Medieval Bohemian Prose Joseph and Aseneth)
pp. 7–20

This study examines the Latin original of the Old Czech prose pseudepigraph Joseph and Aseneth, the history of the text, and the Old Czech manuscript tradition. The Czech version, which was created at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries, is based on the Latin compilation contained in the Speculum historiale by Vincent of Beauvais. Vincent’s Historia Ioseph et Aseneth was also distributed independently of the Speculum historiale, which is evidenced by two Latin Bohemian manuscripts. The Old Czech Joseph and Aseneth has survived in two translated versions, and one is seemingly older. The younger version translates the original text verbum e verbo, and is thus distinct for its abundant use of Latinisms. The Czech translations were also based on different Latin originals where parallels can be found in the different Bohemian manuscripts of Historia Ioseph et Aseneth.

Keywords: Old Czech literature – Medieval Latin literature – pseudepigrapha – Joseph and
Aseneth – Chronicon of Helinand of Froidmont – Vincent of Beauvais’ Speculum historiale

Recepce šachového traktátu Paulina z Benátek v pozdně středověkých Čechách (The Reception of Paulinus of Venice’s Chess Treatise in Late Medieval Bohemia)
pp. 21–43

This study deals with a short chess treatise entitled Tractatus de ludo scachorum written by the Franciscan Paulinus of Venice (around 1270–1344). The treatise is apparently inspired by the best-selling chess treatise of the same name, written by the Dominican Jacobus de Cessolis. The evaluation of the reception of Paulinus’s work from a pan-European perspective clearly shows that after initial interest in 14th century Italy, the second wave of its reception was in Central Europe at the beginning of the 15th century, which can be connected mainly with the court of Wenceslas IV and Prague ecclesiastic dignitaries. This applies both to Paulinus’s work as a whole, as well as to the treatise on the game of chess itself. This branch of the tradition also includes the richly illuminated Madrid manuscript, the only one containing the chess treatise alone. The style of its decoration, as well as some of its details, suggests a commissioner among the Czech nobility close to King Wenceslas IV. The most likely candidate is Petr Zmrzlík the Elder, a rich nobleman and bibliophile.

Keywords: Bohemia – chess treatises – Paulinus of Venice – Jacobus de Cessolis – court of
Wenceslas IV

Crux of Telč on Interpreting and Glossing the Antichrist: Stanislaus of Znojmo and the Changing Position of Jakoubek of Stříbro
pp. 45–71

This article investigates a revised version of Stanislaus of Znojmo’s Tractatus de Antichristo contra Jacobellum contained in Třeboň, Státní oblastní archiv, ms. A 16. Stanislaus’s Tractatus was originally written as a response to Jakoubek of Stříbro’s Posicio de Antichristo following a 1412 quodlibet, but within the Třeboň version (copied in 1464) there is a peculiar reference to the Taborites that was added by the scribe Crux of Telč. Crux’s revised version sought to repurpose Stanislaus’s Tractatus from a work devoted to refuting Jakoubek of Stříbro’s views on the papal Antichrist into a text that connected the interpretative modes of Jakoubek with the Taborites. The Třeboň version of the Tractatus is thus significant as a record of the debates surrounding the Antichrist in 1412 and in registering the shifting positions of Jakoubek of Stříbro and his Taborite opponents on glossing and scriptural interpretation.

Keywords: Crux of Telč (Kříž z Telče) – Stanislaus of Znojmo – Jakoubek of Stříbro – Taborites – Antichrist – interpretation – glossing

Jan Klípa, Husitství a umění – inventura v jubilejním roce 2015
pp. 73–84

Jana Maříková-Kubková a kol., Katedrála viditelná a neviditelná. Průvodce tisíciletou
historií katedrály sv. Víta, Václava, Vojtěcha a Panny Marie na Pražském hradě
(Aleš Mudra)
pp. 85–93
Reima Välimäki, Heresy in Late Medieval Germany. The Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker
and the Waldensians (Georg Modestin)
pp. 93–98
Thomas A. Fudge, Jerome of Prague and the Foundations of the Hussite Movement
(Martin Dekarli)
pp. 99–103

pp. 105–144

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