Titel der Ausgabe 
KULT_online 64 (2021)

Gießen 2021: Selbstverlag
Einmal pro Semester (2 x im Jahr)
kostenlos, online zugänglich, Open Access Publikation



International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) Redaktion KULT_online Max Bergmann Alter Steinbacher Weg 38 D-35394 Gießen Tel: +49 (0)641 99-30042 Fax: +49 (0)641 99-30049
Isabella Kalte

KULT_online Nr. 64 (2021)

Das Rezensionsmagazin des Gießener Graduiertenzentrums Kulturwissenschaften (GGK) und des International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC).



Conference Report on "Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity"
Digital Conference of the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), organized by the Research Area 6 “Cultural Identities,” 23–25 June 2021, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
A report by Laura Popa and Clara Verri

Conference Report on "Anticolonial Solidarity: Political Theory and Global History in Dialogue"
A Workshop at SCRIPTS/FU Berlin, 15–16 July 2021
A Report by Tim Ruben Kerkmann and Jared Holley


Neoliberal Values and Traditional Gender Roles: The Construction of Resilience after 3.11 Japan
Koikari, Mire. Gender, Culture, and Disaster in Post-3.11 Japan. SOAS Studies in Modern and Contemporary Japan. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 240 pages, 59,50 GBP. ISBN 978-1-350-12249-9.
A Review by Enrique Arias Aróstegui

Back to the Future – Of the Collective Emplotment of Idealized Pasts and Sustainable Futures
Schröder, Andressa; Nico Völker, Robert A. Winkler and Tom Clucas (eds.). Futures Worth Preserving. Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019. 272 pages, 44,99 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-8376-4122-6.
A Review by Anna Sophia Tabouratzidis

Mind-Game as Zeitgeist: Reading Hollywood, America, and Contemporary Times Through its Popular Culture
Elsaesser, Thomas. The Mind-Game Film. Distributed Agency, Time Travel, and Productive Pathology. New York/London: Routledge, 2021. 330 pages, 34.99 GBP. ISBN: 978-0-415-96812-6.
A Review by Melanie Kreitler

Female Agency in an Invented Middle Ages: Women’s Power in Westeros from an Interdisciplinary Point of View
Zita Eva Rohr und Lisa Benz (Hrg.). Queenship and the Women of Westeros. Female Agency and Advice in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. Cham: palgrave macmillan, 2020. 263 Seiten, 53,49 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-030-25040-9.
A Review by Cathérine Annette Ludwig-Ockenfels

Resisting Dehumanization: Female Experience of Stalin’s Gulag
Kis, Oksana. Survival as Victory. Ukrainian Women in the Gulag. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2021. 652 pages, 84,50 EUR. ISBN: 978-0-674-25828-0.
A Review by Iryna Tarku

Beyond Femen: Feminist Art and Activism in 2000s Ukraine
Zychowicz, Jessica. Superfluous Women. Art, Feminism, and Revolution in Twenty-First Century Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 424 pages, 54,49 EUR. ISBN: 978-1-4875-1374-0.
A Review by Vira Sachenko

World Engaging with Decolonial Feminist Praxis within Academia: Narratives from Colombia Profunda
Rodríguez Castro, Laura: Decolonial Feminisms, Power and Place: Sentipensando with Rural Women in Colombia. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 208 pages, 85,59 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-030-59440-4.
A Review by Giovana de Souza Possignolo

Regarding Blinded Visibility
Martínez, Juliana. Haunting without Ghosts. Spectral Realism in Colombian Literature, Film and Art. University of Texas Press, 2020. 220 pages, 42 EUR. ISBN: 978-1-4773-2171-0.
A Review by Juan Camilo Brigard

„Doing Journeys“ – A Promising Concept?
Riettiens, Lilli. Doing Journeys. Transatlantische Reisen von Lateinamerika nach Europa schreiben, 1839–1910. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021. 276 Seiten, 44 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-8376-5673-2.
A Review by Sarah Maria Noske

The Last Muslim Intellectual: Jalal Al-e Ahmad and His Abiding Legacy
Dabashi, Hamid. The Last Muslim Intellectual. The Life and Legacy of Jalal Al-e Ahmad. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. 334 pages, 80 GBP. ISBN: 978-1-4744-7930-1.
A Review by Mustafa Aslan

Overcoming Species-oriented Thinking in Learning and Teaching
Horstmann, Simone (Hg.). Interspezies Lernen. Grundlinien interdisziplinärer Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsbildung. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021. 428 Seiten, 49,50 EUR. ISBN: 978-3-8376-5522-3.
A Review by Fatma Kargin

Taking Transitional Justice to the Grassroots: Socioeconomic Justice and International Intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A Review by Zoran Vuckovac
Lai, Daniela: Socioeconomic Justice: International Intervention and Transition in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 242 pages, 80 USD. ISBN: 978-1-108-87107-5.