Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine 11 (2023), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine 11 (2023), 1
Weiterer Titel 
Atmosphere and Mood. Two Sides of The Same Phenomenon

Anzahl Seiten
150 p.
Free Access



Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine
Christiane Wagner Theodor Herzi 49 05014 020 Sao Paulo, SP Brazil E-Mail:
Martina Sauer, Sektion Bild, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Semiotik

In past decades, the subject atmosphere and mood has gone beyond the physio-meteorological and psychological scopes and become a new direction of aesthetics which concerns two sides of the same phenomenon. As the primary sensuous reality constructed by both the perceiving subject and the perceived object, atmosphere and mood are neither a purely subjective state nor an objective thing. Atmosphere is essentially a quasi-object pervaded by a specific affective quality and a ubiquitous phenomenon forming the foundation of our outer life experiences, while mood is a quasi-subject pervaded by specific objective quality and thus a ubiquitous phenomenon forming the foundation of our inner life experiences. A practical dimension is thereby, from the outset, embedded in the consideration of both concepts. This is mainly characterized by actions and, correspondingly, ethical aspects, which concern the design and creation of atmosphere and thus the triggering of mood through works of art. Here, on the one hand, the process of artistic formation, long neglected in the European tradition, is given prominence as an aesthetic practice, and on the other hand, an interactive dialogue is effectively established between the artist, the work and the viewer. Due to the fact that atmosphere and mood, both as in-between, emphasize the interaction of the perceiver and the perceived from two sides, here the decisive question is: in what kind of environment do we live or participate and in what way do we experience it? The focus of aesthetics is now not on the conventional issue whether the environment is beautiful or gives us a sense of beauty, but on how the environment influences our feeling of being there (Befinden) through our own sensuality. Such an approach would contribute to a critical transformation in aesthetic methodology, namely from the ontological and/or epistemological what to the phenomenological and anthropological how.
The tension between atmosphere and mood, as revealed here, opens up a large space for exploring a new understanding of aesthetics. On this basis the special issue pursued to diversify this discussion on an international level.



8 Martina Sauer und Zhuofei Wang: Atmosphere and Mood. Two Sides of The Same Phenomenon


11 Zhuofei Wang – An Interview with Gernot Böhme

19 Elisabeth Neumann – Being Scared and Scaring Oneself in Video Games: The “Atmosfearic” Aesthetics of Amnesia: Rebirth

41 Paulo Gajanigo – The Mood for Democracy in Brazil: Controlling the Public Atmosphere During the Transitional Period 1974 – 1985

59 Zhuofei Wang – At Atmosphere and Moodmospheric Experience: Fusion of Corporeality, Spirituality and Culturality

77 Juan Albert and Lin Chen – Working with Atmospheres to Improve our Planet’s Mood

95 Andreas Rauh – Aesthetic Interest and Affectability

107 Katharina Brichetti and Franz Mechsner – Healing Atmospheres: A Design Based Study

127 Giada Lombardi, Martina Sauer, and Giuseppe Di Cesare – An Affective Perception: How “Vitality Forms” Influence our Mood