Pražský sborník historický 50 (2022)

Pražský sborník historický 50 (2022)

Published on
Praha (Prag) 2022:
488 + VI S.
259 CZK



Organization name
Pražský sborník historický (The Prague Historical Review)
Czech Republic
Red. Pražský sborník historický / The Prague Historical Review Prague City Archives Archivní 6 CZ-149 00 Praha 4
Marketa Ruckova

Table of contents


MAREK BRČÁK, Pražské kapucínské řeholní komunity a jejich vnější působení (1599–1795) [Prague Capuchin Monastic Communities and Their Public Activities (1599–1795)]

Abstract: Two Capuchin monasteries operated in Prague in the Early Modern period: the one in Hradčany was founded soon after the Order’s arrival in the city (1599), while the beginnings of the other monastery in the New Town date to the 1630s (the monastery was closed in 1795). The study address issues concerning the mechanisms used by the Capuchin monks in forming and strengthening social contacts in the Czech metropolis, without which the local Capuchin communities could not have survived. The functioning of this social network is related to the formation and care of the Order’s positive image, which the Capuchins created primarily through their visibility in the context of collecting alms on a daily basis and their pastoral activities.
Keywords: Capuchin monks – Prague-Hradčany – Prague – New Town – selfpromotion – monasteriology – Early Modern period – Baroque religiosity

DANA MAREŠOVÁ, „Vdova národa“ Anna Klicperová (1814–1900) [Anna Klicperová, the “Nation’s Widow” (1814–1900)]

Abstract: Although the term “nation’s widow” has not yet appeared in the professional literature, the phrase “nation’s daughter”, linked with Zdeňka Havlíčková, does in fact exist. The fate of this orphaned child was literally in the hands of the nation, which influenced Zdenka’s entire life. Similar to the “nation’s daughter”, society at the time was also interested in several widowed women, who can therefore be labelled as “widows of the nation”. One of these was Anna Klicperová, the wife of playwright, writer and middle school professor Václav Kliment Klicpera, and her life is the subject of this article. Based on her example, the presented text attempts to answer why she actually became the “nation’s widow”, what her position was after the death of her husband, what she had to deal with in her life (constant representation, loss of her own identity, lack of finances, providing for her family, concern for her children). Finally, this study touches on the events (public collections, unveiling memorials and other ceremonial activities) that shaped this woman and made her the “nation’s widow”.
Keywords: burgher women – widows of the nation – to be widowed – second half of the 19th century – Prague – Anna Klicperová

MAGDALÉNA ŠUSTOVÁ, Pražská vychovatelna v Libni ve světle výročních, administračních a statistických zpráv [The Prague Asylum for Troubled Youth in Libeň in Light of Annual, Administrative and Statistical Reports]

Abstract: Established with city funds, the Prague Asylum for Troubled Youth in Libeň was the first institution for boys with educational problems in the Czech lands. In the years 1883–1948, the asylum operated in Libeň Château, in the “Vychovatelna” building in Libeň, later in the Na Korábě School and at the Psychiatric Hospital in Bohnice. The elementary school and continuing vocational school at the asylum educated the wards and prepared them for life outside the asylum. According to incomplete statistics, institutional education showed a significant success rate (70–80%), and many wards-maintained contact with the institution long after going out into the world on their own.
Keywords: Prague Asylum for Troubled Youth in Libeň – Libeň – education – correctional pedagogy – social pathology – educational institutions


JIŘÍ SMRŽ, Osobnosti malostranské správy a samosprávy v sedmdesátých letech 16. století [Prominent Individuals in Prague-Lesser Quarter Administration and Self-Government in the 1570s]

Abstract: The article is the first part of the planned publication of a unique source preserved from the Prague agglomeration in the Early Modern period – extended memorial records of the renewal of city councils containing the names of representatives of the city administration and self-government from the period when councillors were confirmed for the upcoming term in office. The nine entries published in this first part of the work come from Prague’s Lesser Quarter from the years 1572–1580. The entries are published in the form of summary tables by individual bodies of city administration and self-government. The index of names that is included with the tables makes it possible to search for individual burghers. The summary tables are preceded by a short introductory study providing a closer look at the Lesser Quarter in the studied period, both the urban area of the city and the source base for the study of its population. Based on existing literature, an effort was also made to summarise some social phenomena typical for the period preceding the official resettlement of the imperial court of Rudolf II to Prague in 1583.
Keywords: Lesser Quarter – 16th century – city administration – self-government – prosopography

JAN RYBA, Zákon o právním postavení snoubenek a nemanželských dětí, pozůstalých po účastnících národního boje za osvobození (č. 21/1948 Sb.) ve spisech pražských soudů [Act on the Legal Status of Fiancées and Illegitimate Children, Survivors of Participants in the National Struggle for Liberation (No. 21/1948 Coll.) in the Files of the Prague Courts]

Abstract: The study addresses the implementation of Act No. 21/1948 Coll. on the legal standing of the fiancées of victims of Nazi persecution and their children in the agenda of Prague district courts at the time. A total of 46 preserved files are analysed. The introduction provides a brief description of the act and specific cases are then used to demonstrate the implementation of the law’s individual sections (e.g. inheritance compensation, pensions, illegitimate children and their legal status). The next part of the paper categorises cases based on the race of the fiancée, with the dominant group being represented by couples composed of a Jewish fiancée and a non-Jewish fiancée. In the conclusion of the study, the duration of the relationship of the engaged couple, the age of the applicants and their participation in the probate proceedings of their partner’s assets are analysed.
Keywords: fiancées – mixed marriage – Holocaust



Jarmila Čiháková – Martin Müller, Malostranská rotunda svatého Václava v Praze [St. Wenceslas Rotunda in Prague-Lesser Quarter] (Klára Fleková)

Ivana Lorencová – Tomáš Štanzel, Jan (Johann) Böhm. Chemik(er) & Fotograf [Jan (Johann) Böhm. Chemist & Photographer] (Jiří Pešek)

Hana Kábová – Ivana Koucká et al., Josef Dobiáš (1888–1972). Život a dílo [Josef Dobiáš (1888–1972). Life and Work] (Jan Boukal)

Milan Hlavačka – Miloš Hořejš et al., Fenomén Ringhoffer. Rodina, podnikání, politika [Phenomenon Ringhoffers. Family, Business, Politics]; Milan Hlavačka – Pavel Bek, Ringhofferové. Rodina a podnikání [The Ringhoffers. Family and Business] (Šárka Janotová)

Jiří Smrž, Podíl cechmistrů na správě pražských měst v raném novověku [The Contribution of Guild Masters to the Administration of Prague Towns in the Early Modern Period] (Karin Pátrová)

Tomáš Sekyrka, Aby živnosti své k užitku tím lépe hleděti mohli. Společenské postavení a majetkové poměry pražských malířů v epoše baroka [Improving the Prospects of Artisans. Social Standing and Well-Being of Prague Painters in the Baroque Era] (Radka Heisslerová)

Mlada Holá – Martin Holý et al., Profesoři pražské utrakvistické univerzity v pozdním středověku a raném novověku (1457/1458–1622) [Professors at the Utraquist University in Prague in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (1457/1458–1622)] (Jan Boukal)


Entscheidungsfindung in spätmittelalterlichen Gemeinschaften, (Hrsg.) Wolfgang Eric Wagner (Jiří Smrž)

Jana Čermáková et al., Katalog pečetí Archivu města Brna [Catalogue of Seals of the Brno City Archives] 1/1 1208–1348; 1/2 1350–1410 (Jiří Smrž)

Städtisch, urban, kommunal. Perspektiven auf die städtische Geschichtsschreibung des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit, (Hrsg.) Pia Eckhard – Marco Tomaszewski (Martin Nodl)

Kurt Weissen, Marktstrategien der Kurierbanken. Die Geschäfte der Alberti, Medici und Spinelli in Deutschland (1400–1475) (Martin Nodl)

Kieler Urkundenbuch 1242–1600, Band 1: 1242–1472, Band 2: 1473–1600, (Hrsg.) Henning Unverhau – Gesellschaft für Kieler Stadtgeschichte (Ivana Ebelová)

Richard Papáč, Maleficz. Ako sa súdilo a trestalo v Košiciach v 16. storočí [Maleficent. Judgement and Punishment in 16th-Century Košice] (Petr Kreuz)

Orden und Stadt, Orden und ihre Wohltäter, (Hrsg.) Jiří M. Havlík – Jarmila Hlaváčková – Karl Kollermann; Ivana Čornejová – Jiří M. Havlík – Josef Hrdlička et al., Telč a jezuité. Řád a jeho mecenáši [Telč and the Jesuits. The Order and Its Patrons] (Markéta Krejčová)

Christian Katschmanowski, Die Stadt als Raum des Fürsten? Zur Baupolitik der Mainzer Kurfürsten in ihrer Residenzstadt ab der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts (Lucie Rychnová)

Jan Lhoták, Město Sušice a jeho poddaní. K úloze a významu vrchnostenského hospodaření královských měst v raném novověku [The Town of Sušice and Its Subjects. On the Role and Importance of the Noble Economic Management of Royal Towns in the Early Modern Age] (Marek Ďurčanský)

Marie Pultarová, V našem poníženém způsobu. Kati, rasi a biřici v raně novověkých městech východních Čech [In Our Humiliating Style. Executioners, Brutes and Myrmidons in the Early Modern Towns of East Bohemia] (Petr Kreuz)

Stephan Steiner, „Das Reich Gottes hier in Wien“. Evangelisches Leben in der Reichshauptstadt während der Regierungsjahre Kaiser Karls VI. (Zdeněk R. Nešpor)

Sozialgeschichte Wiens 1740–2020. Transformationen des Raums, Inklusion und Exklusion, Außensichten und Mobilität, (Hrsg.) Andreas Weigl – Peter Eigner (Olga Fejtová)

Michael Stolleis, „Recht erzählen“. Regionale Studien 1650–1850 (Petr Kreuz)

Matthew Bach, Combating London’s Criminal Class. A State Divided, 1869–95 (Petr Kreuz)

Karel Řeháček, Plzeňská radnice mezi válkami. Kdo byl kdo ve vedení města v letech 1918–1939 [Plzeň City Hall Between the Wars. A Who’s Who in City Administration 1918–1939] (Hana Svatošová)

Praha v obnoveném státě. Zemská metropole hlavním městem nové republiky [Prague in the “Restored” Czechoslovak State. National Metropolis as the Capital of the New Republic], (edd.) Olga Fejtová – Martina Maříková – Jiří Pešek (Erika Szívós)

Miloš Matěj, Průmyslové dědictví města Ostravy [The Industrial Heritage of Ostrava] (Jan Červinka)

Christiane Reinecke, Die Ungleichheit der Städte. Urbane Problemzonen im postkolonialen Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik (Lucie Filipová)

Varia historica

Malcolm Gaskill, The Ruin of all the Witches. Life and Death in the New World (Petr Kreuz)

Obrazy zášti. Vizuální projevy antijudaismu a antisemitismu v českých zemích [Images of Hatred. Visual Expressions of Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism in the Czech Lands], (ed.) Eva Janáčová (Ivana Ebelová)


Josef Paták – Markéta Růčková, Přehled obsahu Pražského sborníku historického XXXI–L (2000–2022) [Overview of the Contents of the Prague Historical Review XXXI–L (2000–2022)]

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