Bulletin of Latin American Research 43 (2024), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
Bulletin of Latin American Research 43 (2024), 2
Weiterer Titel 
Special Section: Contesting Control: Indigenous Strategies towards Territorial Governance in Lowland South America

Chichester 2024: Wiley-Blackwell
Institutionen: Print & Online € 1037,00; Print € 864,00; Online € 864,00



Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR)
United Kingdom
Society Members or Individuals subscribing to Wiley-VCH published titles, located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg: Journal Customer Services Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KG aA Boschstrasse 12 D-69469 Weinheim, Germany Phone: 0800 1800 536 (From Germany) Phone: +44 (0) 1865 476721 (Outside Germany) Email: cs-germany@wiley.com
Melanie Strauß, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


Special Section Articles

Open Access
Introduction: Contesting Control: Indigenous Strategies towards Territorial Governance in Lowland South America
Evan Killick, Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti
Pages: 101-103
First Published: 14 April 2024

Open Access
Between Co‐Management and Responsibilisation: Comparative Perspectives from Two Reservas Comunales in the Peruvian Amazon
Juan Pablo Sarmiento Barletti, Giancarlo Rolando
Pages: 104-119
First Published: 22 January 2024

Open Access
Performing Contested Lands: Conservation and the Conflictive Enactments of Indigenous Territoriality in Lowland Ecuador
Stine Krøijer
Pages: 120-131
First Published: 11 October 2023

Territorial Conflicts and Soybeans: Kanhgág Politics and Their Struggle for Land Rights in Southern Brazil
Lucas Cimbaluk
Pages: 132-144
First Published: 14 April 2024

Open Access
Protecting the Forest Beings that Protect Us: The Cosmo‐Political Challenge Kawsak Sacha Poses to Ecuador's Extraction‐Based Development
Leonidas Oikonomakis
Pages: 145-158
First Published: 08 January 2024


Between the Wizard and the Fire‐Eaters: The Last Records of the Illegal Slave Trade to Brazil, 1866–1870
Celio Antonio Alcantara Silva
Pages: 159-171
First Published: 25 February 2024

Assessing the Impact of the MAS Regime in Bolivia
Antonio N. Bojanic
Pages: 172-194
First Published: 25 January 2024

Book Reviews

Hayden, Cori (2023) The Spectacular Generic: Pharmaceuticals and the Simipolitical in Mexico, Duke University Press (Durham, NC and London), xii + 244 pp. $99.95 hbk., $26.95 pbk.
Juan Manuel del Nido
Pages: 195-196
First Published: 14 April 2024

Leeming, Ben (2022) Aztec Antichrist: Performing the Apocalypse in Early Colonial Mexico, University Press of Colorado (Louisville, CO), xxxi + 281 pp. £82.95 hbk.
Néstor Medina
Pages: 196-197
First Published: 14 April 2024

Erlend Johnson Goodwin, A. Whitney, and Alejandro J. Figueroa (eds.) (2021) Southeastern Mesoamerica: Indigenous Interaction, Resilience, and Change, University Press of Colorado (Louisville, KT), vi + 343 pp. $89.00 hbk., $71.00 ebk.
David Tavárez
Pages: 197-198
First Published: 14 April 2024

Griffin, Alba (2023) Reading the Walls of Bogotá. Graffiti, Street Art, and the Urban Imaginary of Violence, University of Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA), vii + 196 pp. £29.30 hbk.
Alejandro Agudo Sanchíz
Pages: 198-199
First Published: 14 April 2024

Zamora Calvo, Maria Jesus (eds.) (2021) Women, Witchcraft, and the Inquisition in Spain and the New World, Louisiana State University Press (Baton Rouge, LU), 260 pp. £31.60 hbk., £12.99 ebk.
Stephanie Rivera Berruz
Pages: 200-201
First Published: 14 April 2024

David Charles Wright‐Carr and Francisco Marco Simón (eds.) (2023) From Ancient Rome to Colonial Mexico: Religious Globalization in the Context of Empire, University Press of Colorado (Denver, CO), x + 290 pp. hbk., $86.00 ebk. Open Access.
Andrew Laird
Pages: 201-202
First Published: 14 April 2024

McAllister, Catriona (2022) Literary Reimaginings of Argentina's Independence, Liverpool University Press (Liverpool, UK), vii + 240 pp. £24.99 pbk.
Niall H.D. Geraghty
Pages: 202-203
First Published: 14 April 2024

Sánchez‐Ancochea, Diego (2021) The Costs of Inequality in Latin America, Bloomsbury Publishing (London), ix + 203 pp. £63 hbk., £20.69 pbk.
Andrew Nickson
Pages: 203-204
First Published: 14 April 2024

Metz, Brent E. (2022) Where Did the Eastern Mayas Go? The Historical, Relational, and Contingent Interplay of Ch'orti' Indigeneity, University of Colorado Press (Louisville, CO), xxvii + 389 pp. $94 hbk., $75 ebk., $37.50 30‐day e‐book rental.
Judith M. Maxwell
Pages: 205-206
First Published: 14 April 2024

David Smilde, Verónica Zubillaga, and Rebecca Hanson (eds.) (2022) The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela: Revolution, Crime, and Policing During Chavismo, University of Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA), xii +  330 pp. $55.00 hbk.
Noam Lupu
Pages: 206-207
First Published: 14 April 2024

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Bestandsnachweise Print ISSN: 0261-3050 Online ISSN: 1470-9856